Sunday 26 July 2009

26 Oslo/Hackney WickED Art Festival


in association with The Guy Hilton Gallery & COSMICMEGABRAIN

Wipe Your Feet

31 July - 2 August 2009

26 OSLO is pleased to present an exhibition showcasing uncompromising, provocative, intellectual and of course fun artists during The Hackney WickED art festival.

As 26 OSLO , artist Josephine Ada Chinonye Chime and graphic designer Luciano Foglia have brought together some of their past, present & future creative collaborators. Calling upon seasoned curators and upstarts to put forth people they believe in.

Luciano Foglia will open the doors to his house, where the public will view Wipe Your Feet. Blurring the lines between personal and public space; the house and the gallery.

Stripping bare his warehouse only to leave the house essentials, meander around (just be careful not to break anything). You're welcome to have a drink near the dining table, pop into the bedroom or chill on the couch and choose between several TV screens for your listening and viewing pleasure.

Our house is your house, relax within the cosines of the bold, beautiful and bizarre.

This glorious event will be held in Oslo House conveniently central to where the artistic mayhem will be during The Hackney WickED art festival.

Private view
July 31st
18:00 - 21:00

Opening times
July 31st - August 2nd
12:00 - 19:00

Flat 26 Oslo House East wing
Prince Edward rd.
E9 5EU

For all the information on the artists featuring then click here.

This should be interesting to say the least. Out to the girl Josephine.

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