Friday 10 July 2009


Clocked two adverts this week that made me sit up and take notice. First the new Virgin Media advert made by RCKR

Then Lucozade with the help of M&C Saatchi have dipped into their past to bring you this...

Inspired by (among others) this...

There are a handful of advertising agencies that are really pushing the levels of creativity right now. With the availablity of technology increasing things can only get better.


  1. The strategies are shit. But nice art direction and sound. But then considering who the products are most likely to be aimed at, I think the ads do work. But are not keepers.

  2. Im sure the adverts could be pulled apart by people working in that industry but they work for me on a visual level.

  3. Yeah the ads do there job. They've engaged you. Engaged you enough to keep watching and to talk about them too.

    Word of mouth,

    And I bet you feel a stronger fondness to these brands now that they are talking to you on a certain visual level.

    Have you bought a Lucazade yet?
