Thursday 23 July 2009

Buffalo Trace, Donuts & allthatgoodstuff present…



Bristol based artist and designer Daddison presents a selection of recent works including paintings, limited edition prints and moving image work.

For the uninitiated, Daddison is the designer behind some of Bristol and Londons best looking club nights, boutiques, bars and galleries, known for a distinctive visual style and a playful approach to his work. For this exhibition he will be presenting a selection of recent personal paintings on canvas beside his better known printed patterns and abstract compositions. Also on show will be a selection of animated video loops, jewelry and other random productions from the last 12 months.

The exhibition takes place from Friday 14th August till Friday 14th September at Donuts, one of the country’s leading streetwear boutiques and purveyors of some of the most sought after international brands

Examples of Daddison's work to date -


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