Monday 24 August 2009

Barry Rumble in the Jungle

The secret guests were finally revealed and boy what a knock out line up it became! With the like's of Tomb Crew and Monday Murkage supporting, head liners Annie Mac and Toddla T had to be on top form.

Pure summer vibes in the Rainbow Warehouse and Garden as another night of overweight fun went down!


Rob back in Brum after a long absence
Toddla reaching dizzy heights
The host with the most
Charlie Victor in town
Murkage Dave
Secret Wars up in the joint
Toddla giving a helping hand
All of em'


  1. half decent camera+shiiiat photographer!!! anyone could take these!! pssssssssh same again next time yeh??? yeye

  2. glad witts is getting pulled up with polluting this otherwise pretty decent blog with this dross.

    Although some of the criticism is a little harsh there is some truth, no-one really cares about the the same old event in birmingham, the same people, the same poor photos, the same oversaturated flash - it boring and really not that interesting.

    leave the photography to snickers

  3. thewrongtrousers25/08/2009, 10:35

    your photos are so boring and subject so unoriginal that u may aswell save yourself time and effort and just keep posting your old photos in different orders no one would tell the difference.

  4. I really don't know what u cheeky cunts want.
    The real brief for someone taking photos of a rave is to show the people enjoying themselves.
    And I think that's acomplished in this set of photos.
    The post obviously isn't for u, and more for ur Birmingham readers. So relax behind ur keyboards.

    And as for the "Birms' being behind the times" comment.
    allow following fashion And wear what u like, when you like.
    You'd save a whole lot of money trust me.

  5. leggo, you and snickers are the only decent thing about the blog FACT

    there is alot of filler and waste contributors

    as for the behind the keyboard comments, welcome to the internets, if you don't want the comments then disable them - i think these comments are constructive criticism although no doubt it will turn into a farce as per usual

  6. Everybody in the team contributes something different.
    I don't think anybody is worse than anybody else.
    Just depends on what ur into and what u like Reading about.
    I'm sure there's a few people out there that couldn't give to fucks about matts pictures. like wise there's a few people out there that get mad offended and don't find my joke posts funny.
    And then there's people that ain't really a fan of ollies in depth posts on particular fashion orientated stuff.
    Etc with the rest of the members.

    but At the end of the day it's a blog on the Internet not a show on BBC there a no strict guide lines
    we blog what we want so for te future if start Reading something u don't like or think will be shit quickely scrowl to the next post.

    I scrowl past a whooooooole bunch of shit on a tribe called next and try to just read the good stuff. I think that's a little better than leaving cheeky anon comments

  7. thewrongtrousers25/08/2009, 13:13

    Mister Lego i think you have a valid point in regards to not being so quick to leave offensive comments, only i think what your saying applies more to other instances and other contributors, with Witts his post tend to be very long, colours very garish and content very weak/ unvaried so it is no wonder that a number of people try to talk him down from committing these atrocities on such a regular basis.

  8. BARRY IS A PILE OF SHIT, SAME OLD SAME OLD. biggest chav night in birmingham or atleast getting there.

  9. to be fair if you don't like Witts' posts then dont read them!

    just because he's from Birmingham doesn't mean shit, he's documenting what happens there, if you've got constructive criticism then say it but if your just a little dickhead hush your noise.
