Tuesday 4 August 2009

Weave Alert 1

New segment bringing you the best in artificial man made hair from in and around London. weather it be weave or a wig i promise to up date you with whats popping and whats not! brought to by myself misterlego.

In this first supplement i preview to you the,
"im looking to hang my washing off my headpiece look"
the hooked shaped hair gives this lady that little extra bit of uuumph to her look wouldn't u agree?

If by any chance you recognize this to be your mother don't blame me for taking the photo blame that small dark skinned porcupine on her head.

Be careful all me and my camera's are now back on speaking terms so tfl users i baaaaaaaaack.

Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.


  1. you better keep us informed!

    i want more post regarding shit haitr pieces

  2. Seen this?

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m-4qxz08So
