Monday 28 September 2009


Big launch night for Mediate, every DJ smashed it across both rooms. First of all a massive thanks to everyone in attendance and all the good feedback we've had. From the word on the street crowd favourites were Jakes & Bar 9 finishing up the final two hours with absolute madness, leading to a stage invasion during Jakes' set and out right carnage for Bar 9's graveyard shift.

Room 2 bubbled over nicely though was over-shadowed by the sheer weight of the main room line up. Personal thanks to Everyone who played and travelled far and wide to make an appearance.

Didn't get chance to take many pics as I was busy sorting DJ's, equipment and money! But here's a few...


For the rest...

Stay tuned for the next instalment.


  1. night was alot!

  2. Am i the only 1 thinking this content doesnt fit in with the rest of the stuff BNTL put up? No hate, just an observation.

  3. Just some swag night in brum, bare mans begging the east london look. Too many cheifs too many many cheifs.

  4. better late than ever

  5. That last pic reprezents everything shit about streetwear.

  6. Mediate was gooood and so are the pics! Nice to see all the haters with nothing better to do making their bullshit comments..SORT IT OUTTT!!!!

  7. yes, streetwear in birmingham is horrible

  8. These are terrible

  9. I think it's safe to say that everyone in those pictures is 15 and by definition cunts

  10. but really though brum is dead now..

  11. and the candy store has created huge numbers of retards

  12. Big ups to all that put the night together, but to be honest the type of peeps you see in these pics have destroyed streetwear in brum, too many 'street' chavs are jumping the bandwagon and have spoilt it for the OG'S. Typical 'youth' trying to be 'cool' and in with the it crowd atm is a 17 year old chav who has just discovered the candy store and dubstep and attends nights like this to be seen and to look cool. bring back the autumn nights in brum, that was when going out was good

  13. big up last anon comment!

  14. big up the last anon biggin up himself

  15. BF is jack and hes an absolutely stupid joke.
    He didn't graduate secondary.
    The night looks like a shambles, the music on offer was the generic eletronic dubstep served up for students in cities other than London to 'av a laff'.

    Why don't you embrace something you can call your own? Donk?!

  16. Haha that doesnt even make sense

    *"it looks like a shambles" You can tell that from the pics?

    *"generic eletronic dubstep"
    Ok learn to spell, then tell me how dubstep isn't electronic music?

    Then tell me how it's the dubstep served up for students in other cities?

    When we have pioneers of the scene like Loefah and Chef.

    One of the godfathers of Grime; Slimzee, and one of the OGs of the Garage scene; Martin Larner.

  17. who cares man dubstep will be dead in a year or so anyway then you can all chill out and learn to be real people instead hype following twats

  18. bottom hat

    i really wanna bang him in the gettin excited about his first night out

    put the grinder down son

  19. not a fan of the bright 'streetwear'/candy store or a lot of jump up dubstep but they're there enjoying themselves so fair enough

    can't see how you can call it a generic 'su' lineup, even though room2 was a bit sparse at times it was not jump up student shit at all!

    even if dubstep dies in a year you reckon people will stop following hype trends? naive...

  20. Its not hating on the clothes they're wearing, or the fact that they are out having a 'rave' dropping their first pill and taking a ten bag what prob weighs in at 0.8 gram cause there such wastes, and that's the badaman rave steez, it's the fact they all think their so fucking bad and so fucking special. If ian from candy came out and said he was gay, not that he would, they'd be a queue outside the candystore of them waiting to suck him off, I rate him from taking their hard earned allowance off them.

  21. These people you document are the worst of the worst.You posting these pictures is like spreading a disease. They burn my eyes.

  22. LOL at some of the below comments, too much time on your hands!! Show your name and be proud of your opinion if your going to voice it publicly! Jeeze... I had a really good night and am much looking forward to the next one. Jakes and Bar 9's sets were too much :-) Good pics as per witts!

  23. you mans are goin on like little batty holes....talking shit because you aint got shit to do.... Punks are talking about we are begging the east london look, but to me it seems like east london is watching the Birmz crew!!!

    Unlike you punks i dont need to hide my identity...Im Ricky from Dubstep Warriorz...why dont you try and contact me then let see whos banging who in the face!!!!!

    BIG UP!!! The mediate crew and witts.. it was an excellent night.


  24. Not to forget the night was good fun...

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Jeeeeeeeez... Hold tight all the people posting under Anonymous. You so are cool...
    Some real snobs with sad lifes and to much time on there hands, posting some utter gash .... 100% Waste!!!

    The event was alot.. Still kicking my self for missing Jakes & Chef. System was big and the crowd was nice. Hold tight the promoters.... It was a big night and the hard work paid off!! Roll on the next event,,,

  27. i'm happy this night exists cause it keeps the city's scumbags and witts in the same place.

  28. big up ricky an escape'z comments! stupid jelous priks hatin on other promoters and photogrophers! witts is a don and all the people involved with mediate provided alot of people with a really good nite so how they deserve any h8 is ridiculous! hold tite the anonymous wankers!

  29. Dear everyone not posting under anonymous: Learn how to fucking spell and speak English and then come back with some valid points on why there's so many different coloured t-shirts it makes my eyes bleed and why the photography is so weak it makes me vomit.

    These guys aren't copying style from east London, they're copying style from 10 fucking years ago when Bond was in it's heyday.

    90% of this blog is good, this article represents everything shit in this world.

  30. I know When people post hating comments on a post that you put up, your supposed to call them a hater/wasteman/dick for sitting in front of their computer and criticizing....

    But if sooo many people say that something is bad, so much so that you become the major minority for thinking it holds any kind of merit (artistic cultural or otherwise), should you not take a step back and ask yourself why everyone is hating on it? Not just brand them haters and use this as a reason to ignore them? Or do you just keep on regardless?

    I am all about positivity, but sometimes listening to criticism can teach you allot.

    I am have no sway towards the content of this particular post, just a comment on the comments.

  31. I understand what you're saying but its a small minority of people who hate on the post and content.

    Also a lot of the hate is directed at the location or content of the images.

    The fact that I get positive feedback from the people at the events, promotors of the events and local magazines & newspapers proves to me that I'm doing something right, further more the fact I've had work published in the last three issues of OK! magazine, will have more work going forward and have just completed work for a large marketing company and international drinks distributor solidifies the fact im doing something right.

    As I say, it's a small group of narrow minded individuals who just like to stir up shit and call almost anything in Brum shit.

    If the rest of the gang feel the content is so poor or so unsuitable for the blog I will be happy to not post it, but I believe the thousands of hits my images receive on Flickr is a positive for the blog and brings much needed traffic to keep the blog running.

  32. WITTS thats was bare shameful,I've done this I've done that. no one cares bruv... why dont you post ya portfolio up for fuck sake, errr no actually don't do that.

    The Last Taylor, man comes correct.

  33. I hear you, it was just a general comment on allot of comments I've been reading lately.

    Sometimes people post, then when people criticize them, they just brand the commenter a "hater" in order to ignore their opinion, possibly cleanse their conscience or maybe provide themselves with a bit of self validation that what they are doing is of some kind of worth and deserves other peoples time and attention.

    There is a balance between what is hate, and where popular consensus needs to be considered (more so the case when content is geared towards the entertainment or enlightenment of the reader, and they don't feel like they are getting it).

    Its just an issue that constantly interests me, being that on the internet their is no defined conduct, and posting a comment on a page is much easier than writing a letter to the editor of a magazine or newspaper.

    Again, I have no criticism of this post or indeed any other, just musing at the ever-evolving phanomenon that is the internet and the way it has changed the way we interact.

    If its getting you where you want to go, keep doing your thing!

  34. the last taylor what you don't get is that these comments aren't criticism, it IS actually plain hate towards the people in the photos/ place/ grudge

    there are people who hate on every post on this blog for no reason...

    its also more than likely its the same person / only a few people postin the majority of these comments

    who gives a shit what the comments say anyway, they dont have to visit the blog... its only a blog... it doesnt have a duty to anyone apart from the posters

    by the likes of it someone coming on here to say what is good enough/ isn't is either jealous they're not on the 'bntl team' or off another less popular blog or some shit

  35. that whole post really does highlight everything that is shitty and diluted about dubstep and streetwear.....when combined under the wrong circumstances it creates disasters like that, which make me want to slip on some casual garms and go jungle raving with some down to earth people who arent obsessed with looking "cool" and knowing "cool" people..........streetwear makes me sick at times x
