Thursday 29 October 2009


The second installment of the BNTL New York series.
Keep checking SpineTV for new installments. The written description of todays video makes for a good read, check it HERE

Night Out from Gwilym Lewis-Brooke on Vimeo.


  1. You failed to make sense.

  2. If your a regular on this blog then i probably did....

  3. i feel embarrassed for these little boys...there is no hiding on video camera from what they are

    wet behind the ears

  4. second comment is perfectly on point.. it seems like youre all trying to be part of something you arent really meant to be a part of

  5. obviously! there on the other side of the world u mugs!

  6. yeah tryna act like they live there or something...mugs

  7. This is a blog.

    Nothing less, nothing more.

    A place for a group of people to express thoughts, tastes and experiences.

    A platform to show-off, to inflate ego's and to network these credentials.

    The guys behind this blog, this micro brand are lost.

    A lost identity, an empty personality fueled by materials and trends.

    Its style without the substance.

    Its all a bit pointless.


  8. do one helen you fat schlag!

  9. Toe curling video.

  10. Relax, if you filmed any group of guys on holiday perhaps the onlooker would find their in jokes and antics a little cringe.

    Thats fine because its their own humour.

    This video is light hearted.

    No one is trying to act hard or doing anything remotely intimidating.

    From what I can see they are just having a laugh.

    It must really upset some of you guys that people are praising and taking notice of BNTL because you are so wound up that you vent hate on a daily basis.

    The only thing embarassing about this situation is to do with you!

  11. But Tens, why do they post this video in the first place?

    Its surely to rub in some kind of importance and unreachable excitement that us, mere blog users can never experience. It's done on purpose to arouse conflict.

    I've been an avid follower of this blog but for some reason, one after another, these guys keep making impacting social errors, that kind of make me laugh but at the same time pity them.

    BNTL have a large array of contacts and networks + I expect a vast pool of ad-revenue generated by online brand banners, but I kind of feel deep down that's its all totally empty and void of all soul or substance.

    The brands that are advertising on this blog/platform are, I think doing more damage than is good to themselves.

    I know I will perhaps get foul and cunt-ish comments after this, but I hope I'm hitting some king of note or truth with my opinion with regards to this blog.

  12. i don't understand in what way u think advertising is ruining the blog?

  13. @ anon 2.06 you think far to much about these kind of things.

    with what ever else is going on in the world you seem really uptight and involved in other peoples business ie those that write for bntl.

    as matt said; lighten up!

  14. ^^ Its constructive debate. Its good to care. Go get hepatitis.
