Sunday 1 November 2009

Stay Halloween !!!

Last night saw the Stay Halloween event take place at the Boogie Lounge in Epsom.

Most would seem sceptical of this area for a dubstep/grime night but this club had a next level sound system that suited the sounds the djs were playing perfectly, much like you would expect from any well established club.

I turned up just in time to see Walsh go b2b with N-Type as they worked their way through dubplate after dubplate.

Next to step up was Mr Logan Sama himself, but unfortunately due to "CD players from 1985" his set was cut prematurely after a host of P.Money, Wiley, Newham Gens and Tempa T tracks.

The almighty Shiverz was up next alongside Ficks. In true Shiverz style he cut his way through track after track without a pause. Despite some technical problems once again with the CD players Shiverz still kept the levels very high. Ficks came correct with some disgusting vinyl, as did Beezy as Mr Mic controller.

All in all very much worth the trip back from uni.

I started the evening with a welcome home present from my cat; A Giant Rat!




Logan will bury you.


Ficks b2b Shiverz


Mic Man Beezy


Untitled-1 copy

Untitled-3 copy

Untitled-2 copy

Sama vs Sweet


Out to J-Sweet and the rest of the
Stay Clever gang.
Roll on the next one!

Keep your eyes open for more Stay Clever releases coming very soon!



  2. big up epsom

  3. logan sama is a geek

  4. Quality of pictures is terrible. Introduction essay is terrible.

  5. @ Anon 16.20 - Im sorry that you feel that way mate, I wasn't going to take an slr out with my for the evening so the photos I did get on a point and shoot are merely to illustrate what occured.

    Understandably, pictures like this hold no interest or importance if you didnt actually go to the event.

    But once again it comes down to the fact that its something that interested me so I posted it.

    That's the point of this blog and always will be. It's a space for us to display things we have done and things we are interested in.

  6. Yes but the site has a vast readership, others peoples 'interests' appeal to a wide audience and the stuff you offer has no scope. Nothing redeemable about this post and your last few offerings.

  7. I wouldnt agree to be honest.
    You are essentially saying that no body has interest in dubstep or up and coming clothing lables that read this blog?

    I appreciate that you may think the clothing brands I posted weren't that great but there are definitely a great deal of people who would disagree.

    Each contributor is going to post about different topics. Some will appeal to a wider audience some with appeal to only a minority. Thats the nature of blogging.

  8. No I didn't essentially say that. I just don't think anybody comes on BNTL for poor photos of club nights and info on shit brands, because 'essentially' that's all you bring.

  9. 'essentially' that may be all that I have brought for the last couple of weeks due to the fact that my main priority has been settling into university.

    If you had been checking the blog for longer than that, you would realise that my other content has been a lot more eclectic.

    I won't say any more on the topic as you have your own opinion and I dont think you can see past your ignorance.

  10. Anonymous said...
    No I didn't essentially say that. I just don't think anybody comes on BNTL for poor photos of club nights and info on shit brands, because 'essentially' that's all you bring.

    ^^ That is 100000% another member of bntl cough cough!!!!R!!o!!!N!!


  12. I enjoyed the photos and the story... thanks for sharing

  13. if they hold 'no importance or interest unless you went to the event' then why the fuck do you want to try and illustrate to other people what went on there- basically you took shit photos,, bad carpenters always blame their tools mate.
