Tuesday 15 December 2009




  1. wax jacket AND a fixie........bad man. WELL JEL.

    so what was it like getting into graf at 27 when you'd finally stopped wetting the bed and left that double fronted house in epsom?

  2. oh we've got a brave one....

  3. wesr dub is serious!

  4. dom is a wasteman from watford

  5. ^ I'm 24, have a mortgage, work in Sales and live in Tooting. Drive a 2008 Vectra and enjoy listening to Coldplay. I think you'll find my life is considerably better than yours buddy.

  6. "^ I'm 24, have a mortgage, work in Sales and live in Tooting. Drive a 2008 Vectra and enjoy listening to Coldplay. I think you'll find my life is considerably better than yours buddy."

    Your life sounds so shit bruv.

    "Drive a 2008 Vectra and enjoy listening to Coldplay"
    I mean wow impressed at how sick your life must be.

  7. ^ I'm 24, have a mortgage, work in Sales and live in Tooting. Drive a 2008 Vectra and enjoy listening to Coldplay. I think you'll find my life is considerably better than yours buddy.

    haha post of the day have a drink on me son

  8. to the 24 vectra driving badman, you also sit on the internet posting bitter comments on a blog. why dont you find yourself a hobbie or girlfriend to fill those insecure voids? 2008 vectra, im clapping my hands so fast for you here man. just shows that you have to bring in the fact you have a car as your defence to make you look better, when you should be loosing you virginity, and not to your own family members.

  9. Coldplay are hard..

  10. I go on speed-dating nights actually. Something you would never do buddy. I bet you've never tried Salsa dancing either.

    And I take Creatine shakes, so watch out.

  11. im not mighty, and never claimed to be,i am bitch and i do stoop and i fully accept that, therefore its perfectly acceptable to call you those names, you coulda called me em first if you wanted, although you had no grounds to cos i didnt cry and moan over some pictures of people doing something they enjoy, once again, hobbies can help cure that bitterness pal...

  12. ^ I'm 24, have a mortgage, work in Sales and live in Tooting. Drive a 2008 Vectra and enjoy listening to Coldplay. I think you'll find my life is considerably better than yours buddy.

    these anons didnt get your point at all! dont waste your time trying to explain, most of whom didnt get their gcse's and are living off the state

  13. yes mate, yes you are so accurate it makes me proud of you. i mean being able to say that purely from the basis you have... an anon comment, is impressive. not my fault your mother favours me

  14. I had some well nice pie today.

  15. I had some well nice pie at the company xmas do today aswell buddy. a pie at work, you heard of work? and no, selling canvas art to teenagers is not work, neither is anything that you don't pay tax after. Otherwise it is just a hobby.

    I'm younger than you and have considerably more earnings in my bank accounts than you have, and possibly ever will, unless you sell a large number of your organs to Bangladesh + your parents.

    I'm off to watch some HD Blueray.

  16. hahah jokes on you, im actually 20, a student at UNIVERSITY, and work part time. UNIVERSITY is something you are too thick to get accepted too , and i have prospects that are looking far better than your dead end job... but yeah, il carry on playing on my ps3, which funnly enough has blu ray.... any thing else you want to expose about your sad self?

  17. "I had some well nice pie at the company xmas do today aswell buddy. a pie at work, you heard of work? and no, selling canvas art to teenagers is not work, neither is anything that you don't pay tax after. Otherwise it is just a hobby.

    I'm younger than you and have considerably more earnings in my bank accounts than you have, and possibly ever will, unless you sell a large number of your organs to Bangladesh + your parents.

    I'm off to watch some HD Blueray."

    =Complete cunt.

  18. of course, its the words of an insecure person, i mean, what "successful" 24 year old bragger, sits and bitterly beefs. like its our fault hes never gona stick an errection any where than his cats arse

  19. you guys do know that that clearly isn't real description of his life...

    He most likely writes graffiti himself, or runs his own blog or is even "friends" with some of the people who write on this blog

    there are too many snakes about

  20. would every one stop worrying about who can string a better list of assumptions about one anothers lives together, stop telling other people that you can't see about your invisible and probably virtual life, and stop virtually buying people drinks for one another... get out there in the real world and prove how good your lives are to yourself more than anyone else coz this all sounds like a lot of self-reassurance to me...
    bntl should set up a spin-off dating site for anons! i think they're owed it by bntl and themselves, they've been committed for a long time, the need some company and they all owe eachother a lot of drinks!

  21. 20* year old vandal, even when i am 30 il still be writing all over your property and degenerating your area, and anon andrew, the person that took time to make a fake witts account when he could be stuffing a bird, you don't need to apologize cos your mum wraps her plump lips around my jeb end on demand, while your upstairs getting slipped in by your old man

  22. guffriti

