Sunday 27 December 2009

The Teens' Speech Film

Most of you know i've been working on a project with the creative agency Poke and the childrens charity Barnardos. The Teens' Speech was a project that set out to highlight the thoughts and opinions of teenage Britain. The project culminated on Christmas Day with a film that premiered on the MySpace homepage...

The Teens Speech - Official Premiere

The Teens' Speech | MySpace Video


  1. joe 15 sounds like a wanker.

  2. thats massive man..really like it

    well done!

  3. joe 15 is a wanker

  4. cant see why evan got bullied

  5. Well Done Ollie. Good work. Poke are good agency too.

  6. So, what did you actually do Ollie?

  7. one of the better posts on here in a while. respect

  8. definately

    seems like a good project..quite moving at times

  9. This is some good content Ollie. However I think this blog does contradict its self at times.

    On the one hand you have some moving online campaign promoting anti-bullying, then on the other hand you have content involving members of BNTL assaulting people in public and glamorizing cannabis smoking.

    Ollie, I think your the only decent poster on this blog, at times Matt, but the rest are just a bore.

    Keep on Ollie.

  10. This blog cant be pigeon wholed.

    BNTL is collective of individuals. We all have similar and different interests. Thats how we started and thats how we'll stay. If you think about it then you'll understand that that's whats made BNTL so popular.

    My job role for this project was creating the majority of the online content and maintaining the engagement.

    Its been an amazing 3 months and i'm glad the film has been well received.

  11. Nice work Ollie

  12. joe 14 is clearly a virgin...
    some of these kids are chattin quite alot of shit and trying to sound intelligent & it dont work for them

    but none the less itsa good film with some good points

  13. birchy, the kids 14, whats your point that he's a virgin? what cos he doesnt sleep with his mother like you do

  14. J SCISSORHANDS29/12/2009, 00:17

    excellent work.

    i work at an ad agency so its good to see them linking up with u to produce such content...

  15. no you don't ^ ha

  16. With an attitude like yours Birchy you'll get tossed away when you move to London

  17. Its all a pile of bollocks, bugger off olly and get a job

  18. us anons dont accept you, your 2 months too late piss off

    nice video though

  19. wicked video ollie,
    what direction did you have in on it ?

  20. Why be so negative about something that is trying to be positive? I think this project is inspiring and the narrative poetry is stunning.
