Friday 22 January 2010

King Apparel - SS10

BNTL were given an exclusive first look at the new King Apparel lookbook, not only is this gif amazing but there's also some really nice bits in this collection. King have always been on point with their promotion material and now the garms seem to being going from strength to strength.


  1. BIG.

    King Apparel killing it at the moment. Garms looking good on IQ too.

  2. Nice idea for a look book.
    Garms are looking better than usual too.

  3. that is fresh....always on point with their ad's and look books. Comment you shop in blue inc???

  4. Wretches brand? haha..dead out. Love to see this shit flop seriously!

  5. all love and respect in the world to king... but unless you're devlin or from guilford you aint wearing it.

  6. marketing is on point!, their promotion design wise is always sick for a uk streetwear brand (not meant to offend)
    im still unkeen on alot of the clothes though.

  7. Hahaaha do you reckon the comment from King Apparel was meant to be made anonymously?? Hahaha.

  8. its called a sarcastic parody of a retarded comment (22/01/2010 18.31)

  9. That anon poster making ref. to Mckenzie and Officers club is just pure hating, King are posting pure love, tongue firmly in cheek...its pretty clear from where i'm standing. At least they are bothering to engage with the blog and people's thoughts, most brands don't even bother.

    I think the point is, whether you like it or not King is backed hard by a lot of people in the UK street wear scene. The reason...because they are actually doing it as opposed to writing about it on forums. You might like the clothes, you might not, and everyone is entitled to an opinion and to posting it respectfully but making uninformed posts and hating doesn't get British brands or our scene anywhere.
