Tuesday 23 March 2010

Plastic People

Clubbers in London are campaigning to save the small but, many argue, perfectly formed basement club, Plastic People in Shoreditch – which is, apparently, under threat of closure from the local council and police.

Ali Augur – who has created innumerable flyers for the club over the years has created a set of posters for the club to help promote a night hosted by five of London's finest record stores that support the campaign to save the club.


The A3 posters, which are being displayed in the various record shops (Wyld Pytch, If Music, Blackmarket, Sounds of the Universe, and Phonica - all based in Soho), feature Augur's illustrations of each of the shops involved in the event, which is happening at the club next Wednesday, April 31.

Source - Creative Review blog.

Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.

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