Monday 19 April 2010

Converse & Dazed And Confused - EAA


The Converse/Dazed 2010 Emerging Artists Award is open to all artists under the age of 35 who are not represented by a gallery in the UK, and are British or UK-based. Entrants must not be students at university or art school.

Artists are invited to submit their most innovative and interesting work for the judges’ consideration. There are no limitations on discipline. Video, sculpture, performance and sound entries are all welcome. There will be five shortlisted artists with one overall winner.
These will selected on the basis of what the judges believe to be the best, most innovative, interesting, well produced and strongest work. The winner will receive a cash prize of £6,000 and each of the shortlisted artists £1,000.

Both the shortlisted artists and the winner will both their entry and their portfolio of work exhibited at the renowned Stephen Friedman Gallery in London in July and August, 2010.

To further information or to enter just (click)

Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.

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