Wednesday 29 September 2010

Monocle Weekly

Man of the moment designer Verbal of Ambush design was on my favorite radio/podcast show "Monocle Weekly" this past Sunday talking about Dalston, previewing a few tracks and just having a good old chin wag with the monocle fellas.

On top of that it was a pretty good show as usual, there was a in depth review on this years London Design Festival which I unfortunately missed, a look at the change of power in Swedens government and a whole bunch of other interesting stuff.
(i'm not going to lie the show wont be to everybodies taste)

-"On this week's edition of the Monocle weekly editor-in-chief Tyler Brûlé discusses the surprising outcome of Sweden's general elections with PJ Anders Linder, political editor-in-chief of the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, before crossing over to Toronto to talk to Hugo Miller, technology correspondent for Bloomberg, about this week's expected launch of the BlackBerry tablet device. Standing in for Rob Bound in the culture section is Japanese DJ and rapper Verbal, who plays some tracks from his latest record, and Monocle's design editor Hugo Macdonald is in the studio to share his musings on this week's London Design Festiva"

To take a listen just (click)

Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.

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