Sunday 24 October 2010

Who’s coat is that jacket you’re wearing?

After 10 years of stealing coats from London pubs, artist Mike Ballard seeks redemption by relinquishing his collection back to the public. In his latest exhibition, Ballard will display hundreds of hijacked coats for visitors to claim back, as a part of a self-imposed therapeutic process.

Following his move from a small village in North Wales to London in 1998, Ballards favorite 55DSL coat was stolen from a crowded pub. It was a loss the artist found hard to deal with. Inconsolable, Ballard began nicking coats in earnest, believing he was retaliating against the city that had swallowed his most prized possession.

Frequenting local pubs and clubs, Ballards revenge tactic was initially focused on stealing coats resembling that which hed lost but soon grew to encompass any mens coat or jacket regardless of size, style or make.
(continue reading)

I headed over to Euston on Saturday to catch the end of this show, great installation and pretty ballsy 'art' piece.




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