Thursday 4 November 2010

Recommended Reading

Feeling quite guilty about the demise of some great publications, writing for a blog has definitely played its part. Here is a selection of magazines i've picked up over the past couple of months that are doing well to keep the trade strong...


The publication from one of the best galleries on the planet. This issue's highlights are Mohamed Bourouissa's Peripheries, a photographic study of Paris suburbs focusing on the tension and power relations afflicting young people. Nontsikelelo Veleko's Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder' depiction of South African street style. And Otto Snoek's Millionaire where he travelled around Europe taking pictures at the obscure millionaire parties.

New lifestyle magazine from a very talented team in Amsterdam. The layout and content of this magazine competes and feels more relevant than some of the best blogs around. In this issue they manage to annoy iconic Advertising Photographer Oliver Toscani, give their spin on the success of Supreme and also an interview with viral kings The Viral Factory.

Yes Vice. First issue of Vice put together entirely by the UK team. Stand out reads for me in this issue were the interviews with the homeless people conducting tours of East London, the Kings of the interracial gangbang scene taking Florida by storm, an insight into the ancient Hindu cult of prostitution and grave digging in China. And not forgettting the exposé on the child beauty parlour in Venezuela.

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