Wednesday 2 February 2011


Introducing is a series of interviews I'm going to be posting now and again. My selection of artists may seem a little random, but I have chosen them because I rate their music or what they do. The questions asked will mainly stay the same, with the idea to put them on your radar (if you did not know of them)or to have a light hearted read if you did! Accompanied with some of their music/works. Enjoy!


Where are you from? Where do you Rep?
I'm from Palestine originally, but everyday reppin' concludes: Copenhagen, London, Brighton

Describe the music you make?
This one's really hard - Rough Trade reviewed my debut album last year and they seem to be able to describe the music pretty well:
"danish bedroom pop lunatic naim channels the mystical forces of prince in the crystal church of electro and uses his masterly production skills to forge a cosmic result. oodles of rich synthesizers, an obscene falsetto that never fails to deliver, and more hooks than a rainbow coloured fishing trip. already a hero in denmark, naim's forays into uk territory bring new thrills each time. 'balloon pop' is his debut record..."

Who do you run with (the camp you rep)?
I run with sincere, warm hearted and funny persons

Last person you made music with?
My brother, he goes under the name WIL
- we did a track about our favorite bar. It's about getting drunk and meeting your best friend for the night, but you keep forgetting his/her name...

Tell us about your latest Release?
I'm in a constellation called MicroPop, we did "Smell Your Bacon
" a while back and last october we released the follow up single "Gloria" - it's about a high school slacker who falls in love with a girl called Gloria but he doesn't really know what to do about it, except day dream… It's a bring-your-surf-board-type track with crazy synth solo's and mad vocal arrangements...

Musical influences?
I'm gonna list 5 artists that I listen to a lot at the moment:
1. Ariel Pink
2. Four Tet
3. The Streets
4. Nite Jewel
5. White Noise

Favorite item of clothing you own?
My one pair of Cheap Monday jeans

Your five needs to get high on life?
In no particular order
1. Tinned tuna and cottage cheese
2. Sleep
3. Sex
4. Chilling with slippers on
5. Making music

Favorite meal?
For the past two months I've only eaten tinned tuna and cottage cheese

Drink of choice?
Black coffee

Best girls body part?
If I may go for two body parts I'd say both ass cheeks - definetely

Is it better Never, than Late?
That really depends on the level of seriousness… I'd say no, maybe...

What's set for 2011?
My cover version of Wicked Game dropping around march - also Nekklace (™ Juke and me) will be making some noise this year.. also working on a danish solo album, spoken word-comedic-style, should be fun - planning on doing videos for that with english subtitles so more people can join in on the fun : )

Here's a couple of links:
My FaceBook Page

My discography with links to Buy...

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