Monday 9 May 2011

Teddy Fitzhugh

You can pretty much guarantee that on any night out you'll find a minimum of 10 people snapping away capturing the vibe, what people are wearing, drinking, eating or touching. I always wonder where all these people put the photos? personal blog? Vice magazine's inbox? Facebook? their mantel piece? Who knows. What I do know is that I am over seeing party photos, they seem to be more important then the party itself these days. There are a select few that do it really well and have ended up putting food on the table because of it. May I bring your attention to Teddy Fitzhugh. Teddy captures the intimate moments of parties and events and each one is treated with a delicate eye and artistic approach. Shooting for GetMe, Vice, Fact, Protein and in my opinion no one is topping him in London right now. View his blog here

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