Tuesday 5 July 2011

Graduate Talent - Kezia Frederick

The end of the educational year is drawing to a end, and for many of my peers graduation is upon us.
One particular student I just so happen to stumble across was Kezia Frederick a fashion designer.
I was drawn instantly to her final year collection on so many different levels. From the patterns, to the colours to, the cuts. I sincerely thought the stuff was amazing, so after some time of bantering about whining championships and other ridiculous stuff that I utter, I reached out for a interview here it is. (to see images larger just click them)

Please tell the world who you are, what you do and how you do it?
Kezia Frederick, I have just graduated from Central Saint Martins where I studied Fashion Print. I design clothing and also textiles using silkscreen printing.

You’ve just graduated from Central Saint Martins what has been the funnest part of your degree?
I would probably say the year when we get to work in the industry. Was out in LA and New York, there was a lot of fun to be had!


What's been the worse part?
The worst part has to be the general put downs from the teachers either saying how rubbish your work is or chucking it at you - no lie! But they're tough and they had to be, it all came together in the end!

Tells us a bit about the collection you designed for your final year.

I was interested in creating a collection based on 'Multicultural London'. I took lots of photographs of what people wore around London and the way in which someone dressed could reflect a 'dual heritage'. I then focused my collection on a series on photographs I had taken of Nigerian women coming out of church, with their traditional dresses and the juxtaposition of the 'long black British coat'. From this, I designed my 6-piece collection.



There are obvious references to Africa and traditional attire in this collection, but what were some of the other things which may have been over looked by many, but yet has inspired parts of the collection?
I looked at a lot of photographs we had at home and got inspiration from some really nice old images of my grandad when he was in the army in World War 2, got some hidden prints of them in there!

Your talent is plain to see in your work, but what do you feel is your strongest contribution to the creative/ fashion industry?

Thanks! I often buy mens clothing because I feel a lot of the time menswear brands generally have a stronger selection. So I wanted to make something for girls but also have pieces that guys would want to wear too, such as shirts or bags. Hopefully through mixing different subjects together I can create something a bit new.



Why fashion and not access to cooking?
Can't cook! Don't think I could ever just do fashion, the fact that I get to design my own prints gives me much more freedom.

If someone / a brand were to snap your collection up where would you like to see it?

I would have to say my top two places would be Dover Street Market and Goodhood!

Dream Job?

Haven’t decided yet! I change on a weekly basis, after watching Luther last week am tempted to just become a detective...

Having just graduated what do you want the next step?

I want to travel at some point, also looking into starting a range of printed bags.

advice for any budding fashion designers out there?
work hard play hard!



last quick questions
thursday night or saturday night? Saturday every time!
sams kebabs or dixies fried chicken ? neither, vegetarian!

where can we keep up to date with you?

Until my website is up and running people can contact me via email (Keziafrederick72@hotmail.com) they can also see my full collection via my tumblr keziafrederick.tumblr.com

Credits. Shiba Huizer for photography and Patrice Morgan on bag designs.

Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.

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