Wednesday 10 August 2011

What's REALLY going on?

There's no escaping whats going on in the UK right now and it's literally killing me watching how the BBC news are going on. I live pretty much 100 yards away from Clarence Road where the BBC got most of its coverage from and on the night this all happened I went out there and saw what was going on with my own eyes. Surreal is the closest descriptive.

The stuff I'm reading and seeing from people online is getting way out of hand. If the only place you're getting your info from is the BBC then sit down and shut the fuck up. People like The Guardian and Channel 4 are both looking at the bigger picture of why all this is happening and its not simply 'criminality' (this weeks buzz word). It's so easy to point at these young people and get on your moral high horse but ask that going to help the situation?

This clip I found from RT gets it spot on...

The country is in a mess and we were warned years ago and also in the days before any trouble. So why are we all surprised when shit kicks off. We now have an opportunity to face the real issues and put a stop to letting the government take the piss. They messed up the economy and they answer back with shutting youth centres. The Olympics are a stone throw from Clarence Road and I don't see no reinvestment for the families that have lived here for generations.

We've finally got some answers to how Mark Duggan really died. Proof that the Police LIED and riots ensued and we still blame the kids. Watch the short clip HERE.

I'm done speaking about this and I pray we can put a lid on the trouble before it turns real dark.


  1. You really think the riots were due to to Duggans death? The protest was merely an excuse for people to kick off and cause trouble.

    Yes the withdrawal of funding for youth centres may have added to the problem but that is certainly no excuse for people to run riot on the streets, aimlessly destroying business' and looting.

    There is no single answer or cause of the riots, but I believe it lies deeply within the upbringing of these people. Their actions show a complete disregard for human life, a lack of morals and values. Things that should have been instilled in them during their upbringing.

    There is no excuse for a parent not to teach their child the correct morals, plenty of people growing up in the affected areas, are abiding by the law and working had to make something of themselves.

    What the riots do signify is there is a large proportion of the nations youth with no place within our society with no respect for the criminal justice system or their fellow man.

    If the government wants to look at the root issues of the matter, a huge rethink of the education and schooling system needs to happen. If you speak to your grand parents and parents, when they were at school, they knew the consequences of wrong doing and knew there was a severe punishment. 

  2. yo it IS about criminality, and anyone who says it isn't - regardless of where your geographically at, are as naive as those pakistanis saying that osama was never in there village because they didnt want to believe it and were apologists...even though al qaeda said that he was there...some people want to explain away shit when they cant take the blame.

    the kids on the streets (99 percent of them were kids) were pure theifs. these are the kids that rob phones on nightbuses and mug people. they did not represent east london youth as a whole, or british youth as a whole. there were a few hundred around london and all were bored youth out to rob.
    its not about money - how can you complain when your running in the latest nikes and organising through blackberrys.
    its about boredeom.
    east london gets more government spending than any other area in dont complain about government lack of funding.
    sometimes communities, commentators and kids like you should stop blaming the fucking government and holding your hand out for money, when you should better yourself - like the rest of the country does.
    kids are given free travelcards, and live in one the greatest cities in the world and could travel anywhere to keep entertained - galleries to parks or even -shock! other youth centres...or use them to get jobs in the larger city.
    its time to stop blaming their crimes on everyone else. they should stop whinging and man up. it aint about class, race, government money, tottenham shooting. its about naive, clueless teenagers.
    just because you stay on road and act bad man doesnt mean the rest of the country to look after yourself if you cant be bothered to try and better yourself in one of the greatest capitals.

    oh yes, and i am black and from fed up with people like you and people i know thinking the world owes them everything - for simply exisiting. people over the world are in similar or worse situations, we are living in one of the freest countries and yet everyone is looking at us in shame.
    these looters wernt represeting east london, or london. they dont represent me. they were criminals and as such they represent gangs and crime out of control not social issues - thats bullshit.
    the olympics, with THE CULTURAL OLYMPIAD (GOOGLE IT AND ITS FIGURES) and you will see just how much money is invested in east london - then compare the money invested to the rest of the country and you will see how much east london actually receives...yet they were the first to loot and rob...pricks

  3. The links don't work.

  4. We've finally got some answers to how Mark Duggan really died. Proof that the Police LIED and riots ensued and we still blame the kids. Watch the short clip HERE

    erm it hasnt been proved that he wasnt reaching for his gun...riots ensued all over the place but NOT because of the shooting - use you head oli, dont embaress yourself think kids in croydon, birmingham or manchester gave a shit or knew the facts? they were only in it for cheap thrill and free jd sports..>FACT

  5. you are from coventry therefore anything you say is irrelevant

  6. you are from coventry therefore anything you say is irrelevant

  7. Why are these young people so angry?

    Breakdown in the home? No job opportunity? Boredom?

    How about facing up to the fact that its easier to have a baby than get a job! Kids having kids because everything is then handed to them on a plate.

    The education system is years out of date. Teachers cant teach 30 kids and expect them all to learn the same way.

    Read my post again and look at the bigger picture.

  8. Its not hard to get a job in this country, none of these kids know anything about poverty. None of them have queued up for bread, I wonder how many have applied for a job...

    Its easier to be on the dole than work every day in macdonalds for a few quid more. Even Max Hastings of the Daily Mail concedes that its not immigrants 'taking' jobs, they are doing the jobs that no Brits want to do.

    The education system is fine and tons of money is pumped into it, no 'modernisation' is going to make these kids learn. Its about them and their parents taking responsibility. Theres nothing more teachers can do unless you bring back the cane.

    You can go to the shittest school in London but if you work hard there are plenty of oppertunities.

    oh and fuck youth centres, they dont prevent human nature, they just temporarily take people off the street. Not having youth centres isnt an excuse for rioting or robbing or gang culture. Noone wants to take responsibility, everything has to be provided for them and I ask why? do they contribute to society, do they pay tax, will they do something in the future? no, no and no. So why the fuck should everyone else provide for them?

    Those dickheads in that guardian video are too 'cake or death', theres other shit to then go to a youth centre.

    Kids that age in other countries work and provide for their families.

  9. "Why are these young people so angry?

    Breakdown in the home? No job opportunity? Boredom?

    How about facing up to the fact that its easier to have a baby than get a job! Kids having kids because everything is then handed to them on a plate.

    The education system is years out of date. Teachers cant teach 30 kids and expect them all to learn the same way.

    Read my post again and look at the bigger picture."

    read your post and still not saying much.
    if the education system is 30 years out of date how come
    a) there hasnt been mass public looting for the last 29 years and 11 months?
    b)there arent riots EVERYWHERE over the UK? yes its in manchester, london, birmingham and a few smaller pockets but the same education system hasnt brought riots to ireland, scotland or the rest of the civilised britain...
    c) why 30 years? the education system didnt change drastically exactly 30 years ago. todays education is FAR superior to anytime previously. you saying caning and whipping helped control them and we should bring that back? today with specialist councilling realising and treating learning difficulties, anger management and disabilities, our education system is better than ever.
    what do you want them to teach? what is the problem with the education system? so quick to point the finger but not good with the specifics of how to make a positive change? not teach so many subjects? not pump so much money into new schools and acadmies? no?

    its easier to have a baby. so? does that make it right? its easy to be unemployed and shit myself in public - but i dont do that...why? because its unacceptable and wouldnt make me the man i am today. thats the problem oli - you have the mindset of a mugger or petty thief - why should i go get a job when its easier to mug and rob? why go through countless interviews and rejections when i can just rob a grannys flat...BECAUSE ITS WRONG. its thinking like that - and acceptence and apologists / naivists like you that got it here. that thinking should be stopped immediatly.
    thousands of eastern europeans HAVE come over here for the jobs, and carry on taking all the jobs BECAUSE THERE ARE JOBS...STILL... they might not pay the same as a rapper or a banker, but they are jobs.just because they might not be in your ends or something amazing THEY ARE JOBS...and it boils down to a lot of people thinking the government owes them and that they should be handed a job...wake up! guess what? your not wanted...MAKE YOURSELF WANTED...GET OUT THERE AND BETTER YOURSELF...DONT BE BITTER BE BETTER...dont sit on the estates looking at walls complaining the governments forgotten you, that there is no entertainment or no jobs when this is bullshit. you are in LONDON...immigrants (legal and otherwise) risk their life to get here and work...people from all backgrounds in the UK - sikh to white, chinese to and struggle and pay taxes and dont have youth centres, but the difference is they dont loot, burn or moan...they actually try and do better for themselves by actively overcoming the odds.

    do you really think they were right? do you really think there is 0 jobs? why is east london seem so far removed from the rest of the world

  10. im broke and bored.shall i burn down the pub?

  11. PT1
    yoyoyo oli...if your going to post such inflammatory blogposts, speaking personal thoughts be ready to debate them properly, with points in a debate. try and sell your point of view yeah? because your coming across bad. your view or no view.
    saying nothing? urm i think my two posts were a) longer (if your going to count) than your post and contained more points issued. except me blog comments wernt damning or closed statements. saying nothing? have you read or digested anything? could you get past my admittedly silly snipes and saw the meat of the comments? either way you need to get out 'the hood' and get an education that doesnt involve either the DOLE or RSVP in the email.

    "People have chatted the same shit as you are for years and look around you."
    erm the same could be said of you! do you see the sikhs rising up? the turks? the muslim communitys? that live in the same areas, with the same unemployment, with the same geographical non-entertainment facilites, the same housing, the same benefits...they were the ones GUARDING THE PROPERTIES (turkish in stoke newington, muslims in bethnal green, sikhs in birmingham)...look around you! the same people are disgusted at you and all those that rioted...they condemn the same actions you say are inevitable...well no...because not only do those ethnic groups PROVE that not everyone in those areas behave like thugs...but also all the other black and white youths from the areas that were not involved.
    yes there is a feeling of anger...but from a small group of people that really are naive and lazy. look at the wider picture yourself - at other races, other religions FROM THE SAME AREAS and they are the ones building businesses, that are doing two jobs to better themselves...its such an outdated and fairly racist argument you have. london is thankfully made up of many people from many ethnic backgrounds, all here to make a better future for themselves. they all live side by side, but again, its the same unemployed man dem who act thuggish and let themselves down. they are a minority and thank god for that.

  12. PT2
    "Come up with real answers or pipe down." again oli, your showing yourself up as a clueless hipster, good at writing about vintage polo but not good writing about series my comments, i have come up with real answers (travel card = open city = londons entire education, entertainment and employment at their disposal)...however you havent offered any at all - which highlights your non grip on this.

    "Intellectuals way more intelligent than you or me have warned of this for decades."
    yes, but doesnt make it right. and how are they intellectual? things can be predicted but ultimately people hold their futures in their own hand. we make our own create your own future, that is why life, all life is amazing. just because i am black and from an area, if a so called intellectual (regardless of qualification) says statistically im a trouble maker, and that riots are inevitable, that doesnt mean i am that or if the riots happen i have to join in. we all make our own fates and just because some (i bet) stuffy white oxford socialist predict a riot, i bet theres another saying the opposite...dont believe the type, its BS. this is my life, my choices. this is their community, a million miles away from boardrooms. academics have been proven wrong throughout history - the earth was considered the centre of the universe and flat for hundreds of years...

    i agree and like you Oli, and this is not a personal attack on you or anyone on BNTl. i agree shit aint working, and the only way to make it work is for everyone, reflected in a microcosm by this comment board, from all viewpoints to work out a better future, because regardless of where your from, what you know, or what your bank is like, everyone deserves a chance in life...from there you can do what you want with it, but being in a 'civilised' country, we all have the write to be free and prosper. this aint tehran, this aint LA early 1990s. this is london, 2011...our streets, our time, and its up to us to shape the future - for good or bad.
    these looters are criminals. no questions. but its highlighted some of societys frustration. regardless of your opinion on if the frustration is valid or not, it is frustration never the less and should be sorted out else we'll be here again soon enough.
    this aint paris which IS about race. this aint LA watts which WAS about police brutality...because the uproar was from EVERYONE...the people on the front line are bored youths from certain area. like terrorists, we cant let them break down society and have their selfish way, but we do need to learn lessons as to why they are upset and help them

    peace and love from under a dark cloud

  13. You've just fully embarrassed yourself!

    So you basically think i'm one of these guys you're watching on TV running around the streets?

    When I said I went out there it was merely as a spectator. I've gone through school and uni and now my job title is 'consultant'. Don't get it twisted. I've been posting here for over 4 years and you went mad thinking i'm involved in what we're seeing. Don't act like you know me!

    I've worked on numerous youth projects for some of the biggest agencies in the world. (See The Teens Speech for Barnardos and Bars for Change (Tackling political issues faced by young people) for Channel4). I'm in a good position to have a well informed opinion.

    By the end of your essay you're finally talking some sense and literally re write my post in your own words.

  14. By the end of your essay you're finally talking some sense and literally re write my post in your own words.

    I really dont think so.

  15. This is definitely worth a read...

  16. that link is thing spoken here. followed by anon.
    olies post sparked interesting points, even though i dont agree with him.
    nice one bntl for this

  17. The fact that your using information from Russia Today is staggering.. You'd be better off watching Fox News.

  18. haha caught red handed ollie you didnt graduate from uni

    ollie mate you got alot of skeletons in your closet dont get it twisted
