Thursday 2 February 2012

RSS, Readers and Flipboard

Yes, I'm late to the party but a few months ago I finally embraced RSS & Google Reader and its made keeping up to date with blogs and online magazines so much easier.

I'm sure a lot of our readers are already fully integrated when it comes to RSS, but for those who aren't, I'll explain. RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication" and it saves you from trawling through various blogs, tumblrs, online magazines and anything with a feed by keeping them in one handy place and letting you know when they have new content. (A perfect way to stay up to date with BNTL)

It all looks like this:
Once you've set up all your subscriptions, you can get an app to use your account on your iPhone, iPad or even a HTC. I found Feeddler to be the best and syncs directly with Google Reader:
Finally, Flipboard which has been available on the iPad for sometime has now made the switch to iPhone and essentially lets you create your own personal magazine of all your feeds. Flipboard doesn't just integrate with your Google Reader account but also; Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter and Facebook.

It also has feeds for sites like Hypebeast, Cool Hunting, The Satorialist, The Burning House and many other popular blogs. There are also feeds for The Guardian, BBC News, Sport and Editors Picks. You have all your feeds at your finger tips and Flipboard makes flicking through them a joy.

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