Thursday 21 June 2012

Article 31.1 - Community Kite Project

The picture above says it all - a kid, happily flying a kite. But, it's where he's flying the kite that's pertinent.

He is running through Bishopsgate, in the heart of the City of London. As an adult you would have a hard time taking photos in certain areas within this district. Home to serious industries like banking, there's not much time for playing, unless you count gambling, and then they seem more like full time players.

Just imagine, 3 kids flying kite through the City. The security guard might let off a grin (a rarity). Now, imaging 3 grown men running through the city... Cue, sweaty thumbs on radios and frantic call to the City of London Police (the ones with the flamboyant hats). If you dare go near Liverpool Street Station you might just get shot by one of those small fuckers who over compensate with big guns!

The point is, you can do things as a child that you could only dream of as an adult. You can play and people will encourage you, they'll even smile while you do it. If you should ever chase those dreams as an adult, you will be frowned upon, called loony, locked up or killed.

If you play, you may loose your liberty. Ironic as "kite flying across the globe is synonymous with freedom, the outdoors, imagination and possibilities." - have you ever seen/read kite runner?

Community Kite Project, make kites for everyone. A mission which has seen them hold a residency at SpaceFiftyFour on Rivington Street and travel a little further to Costa Rica (see video below).

On Friday 22nd June, Community Kite Project will be exhibiting their work as part of Article 31.1 x Workshop 44. They believe "fun and imagination are precious commodities", and we agree.

Check out Community Kite Project below. Article 31.1 x Workshop 44 opens this Friday 6-9pm and runs until Sunday 24th.

Playa Potrero Kite Project from Lorenzo Rojas Soto on Vimeo.

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