Saturday 4 July 2009

No Social Security

When I was growing up it was all about who was the hardest, me and all my friends all thought we were fighters, our mouths were fast and our scraps were plentiful. But the only people we were truly all scared of was the gypsies. They'd come set up shop and bully us off our football pitches.

I remember one story which went around that some of the hardest boys from our area got together and marched down to where they were settling and had the intention of showing them who's boss. The plan didnt quite work out....our boys got ran out the area by the gypsies with snooker balls in socks and air rifles. Mooooooove!

I've been chilling with Trav (modern day gypo) this weekend and kinda doing some research on gypsies. Check out some of these guys...

Firstly we have a nice documentary by the legendary directer Shane Meadows about the king of gypsies. This is a serious guy, who at his age still looks like he could destroy an army single handedly...

This video just gives you an insight into the passion gypsies have about protecting their name...

And we all remember this great scene from Guy Ritchie's film 'Snatch'....

If you see gypsies my advice would be to let them be.


  1. gippos scare the shit out of me !

  2. ^^thats the point - they dont want to work - they work for themselves and no one else. They dont pay tax to no one.

  3. A couple guys in the second vid' were on that Danny Dyer doccumentry last week...The short dude is related to that X factor winner shane ward.

  4. which danny dyer documentary was that I wouldnt mind watching it.

  5. is trav actually a pikey haha

  6. check on the first or maybe second page of my blog, there isnt much on it so it wont take long to get to the back.
    there is a sweet vid of two old gypsies having a fight its awfully funny!
    huge build up and shit then for them to have the most boring fight ever!


    this is the one

  8. Yeh i seen that a while ago. Waste fight.
