Thursday 2 July 2009


A few months ago I was caught up in a conversation regarding Timberland boots, the conversation was with the infamous shoe designer in training Chris Mannnn.

My stance on Timberland was kinda inpartial, him on the other hand was rocking all black ones on what seemed to be the hottest day of the year thus far. Anyway he was telling me how it has always been about Timbs and my reply was that i'd never really considered buying them, I didnt know why i'd never considered them but since that day i've gone full circle and recently purchased a pair.

Maybe its because of the imapact Workwear has had on our buying behaviour. If you look at Redwing, Doc Martins and even Kickers they have all recently seen a huge resurgence, so is the time of the Timberland boot? In the US Timberland boots have been staple for many many years now but here in the UK they have never been super popular.

You can find all sorts of variations on the website...




For me its out of these two...


"Black hoody black timbs."


Whats your opinion?


  1. never super popular in the UK, r u serious!?

  2. Deadly. Explain your point...

  3. Ollie, my man, these are hideous. Timbs? brother its hotter than a mothafucker and you copped timbs?

    No doubt timberland have done a lot through the years, but some things are just made to be worn whilst digging up a road or driving a JCB.

    I just dont think these do any justice unless your rocking them with a air max tracksuite and have 8 kids....

    im a huge fan of workwear but I dont think I would go as far timbs.

    dickies, carhartt and maybe the kicker hi.

    good post tho pal.

  4. mate they sell timberland boots at jd sports and every dickhead in my year at school owned a pair

  5. and i would laugh so hard if i saw anyone wearing these in this heat you must be slightly dumb oliver

  6. so what you are saying is that you have seen redwings and kickers come to life recently and thought you would buy timbs because someone told you they are on point...and everyone else seems to be on them?

    more or less the same thing...

    Timbs? what the hell have you been sniffing?

    no doubt they are classics, but so are cow boy boots and jelly sandals... you wouldnt rock them would you?....oh wait...maybe you would, anything to be different.

    just because they are classic's and you heard biggie rap about black timbs and black hoodies, it doesnt make them cool.

    theres a fine line between being different and looking like a complete plank.

    no hard feelings tho, but I think it ends at kickers.

  7. hahaha....ollie might be the corniest person on the whole internet

  8. there vomit inducing

  9. Easyyyyyy. Im not telling anyone to go and buy a pair, just merely saying Timbs could become super popular. Popular with girls and boys alike not just seen on people who shop in JD.

    If the 90's resurgence carries on then surely timbs could make a stong appearance? Just the same way Champion has gone...

  10. i wear rockports with white socks and no my name aint misterlego

  11. hah Ollie you get so boyed.

    They are disgusting, especially the heeled ones.


  13. the whole idea of a blog is to watch it you imbecile

    and this post is laughable

  14. how is it laughable? explain that?

  15. lmao at the white socks and rock port comment.
    i personally cant really c the timb resurgence in london again.
    it had its time when the girls thought it was kosher to wear them soft pink and soft blue color ways with the matching tacky juicey tracksuit look a likes.

  16. its laughable because ollie tries to jump on every new thing he thinks will be the next 'big look'

    and these are just disgusting which shows how much of an impressionable dude he really is

  17. your in london next tuesday. HOW DID I KNOW YOU WERE ANY HATING BUMPKIN?

    Im in Bethnal all day bruv, can you get your tractor down there?

  18. timberlands were associated with chavs and rock ports were the same and back then i wouldent of 'rocked' a pair nor 'rock' a pair now as a fashion item.

    To be honest i do own a pair of timberlands that my mum bought me purely on the basis of practicality years ago and i only wear them when its practical.

    i think fasion has proved that timbs could resurrect, boat shoes are a classic example, my dad has worn them for as long as i can remember and wearing them myself had never crossed my mind but people do now...

  19. ^^^ thats aload of whaffel.

    US in LONDON have always been wearing Timberlands. It was never chavvy, thats a northern thing

  20. yeah im gonna run you over in my tractor

    i bet its really great being in bethnall all day 'bruv'

    why dont you get out of your bubble and go see the rest of the world

  21. i luv tronics03/07/2009, 15:37

    the anonymous stickin' up 4 ollie here....

    is ollie himself!!!

    i just checked the ip and its definately him


    hahahaha @ ollie describing himself as a 'trend forecaster'

  22. it was me actually you chump. what?!?!

    what you on about searching ip address you tool. an ip would go back to his interent providers address, not his yard you toooooool.

    and how do you even know where he lives.

    please let me catch you slipping

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. no your a skinny wasteman.

    go do something productive get a job, read a book, watch tv, go out and enjoy the weather or just join a fucking forum.
    but please don't look for people you don't even know on internet to through insults at.

  25. jacks a badman you know.

  26. Hahah this is insane. Too many comments in here.

    I work for a company called which is a trend forecastign agency, my job is to monitor and report on trends. I get some right i get some wrong. But im not scared of putting my neck on the line and have people get all excited if i missed one. I stand by my post 100%.


    Hate me or love me it has no affect on my decisions.

  27. but youre still from cov and still a wasteman

  28. Big post ollie, I personally don't think timbs will make a come back. im not really that excited by them.

    But still it was something interesting to share.

    good post.

  29. just another victim

  30. fucking hell you can tell some people who commented were just itching for their chance to attack. I get the impression they don't relly like the blog hate the writers and use every opportunity to be negative. Personally I COULD see timbs coming back and not looking "chavvy" (what everyone seems so scared of) I think Anonymous should write his own blog clearly he's so fashion forward, unique and has an opinion on every fucking thing.

  31. ollie, now before you say "stop watching me and begging me" I'm not!

    but i beg you post a pic in ya timberlands up, i could do with a laugh.

    love billy yates
