Thursday 22 October 2009

Trends That Should Never Have Been

Killing trends are kind of hard to do. Some times certain trends just hit the masses so fast that its to late for friends, family members or anyone in fact to warn others off them.
I'm a big believer in the cliche saying
"wear what you want"
but certain things are just not respectable or acceptable and one of those that's seems to be doing it big at the moment are.

These new Skechers that have recently dropped.
I don't know what there called exactly (i think shape ups) But I've noticed more than enough older generation people wearing a pair and a few young'ens.
I must stated this is not a original skechers model, as I'm know there was another brand which came out with this type of shape and form before hand, but any way their both shit regardless.

I've seen adverts for them on the underground talking about how they can make you lose weight, firm your stomach, buttocks etc SUCH LIARS !
The only thing their good for is to burn or to be used as a prime example of how not to make footwear.

With this said I feel slowly these particular shoes are being accepted by the masses which is just find ludicrous.
This is same metamorphosis is how Crocs became such a integrated footwear piece throughout 2008.

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They've even managed to occupy one of the windows down at Harrods : |
which means they must be shifting more than a decent amount. Just look at them their a joke.
Your shoe shouldn't have that much sole unless,
-you were born with a leg 38cm shorter than the other,
-your under the age of 11 and have a wheel in both soles.
-or your a midget with a small head, whose insecure about being the shortest person on the train.
so remember if you see anybody reaching for a pair of these, stop them with a quick jab to the chin. POW !

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Various other trends that took off nicely which I look back on with disgust were . .

The worse sandal known to man, really and truly I didn't know what happened which allowed these to be 2009's rubber Jesus sandal. But personally I blame us the youth who had elderly family members. It was YOU members who allowed parents, aunties and uncles to proceed and buy a pair and didn't say nothing.
(my research shows that it was mainly purchased by the 30+ year olds)
Although I cant lie, I did notice it was embraced by a few younger people out there. A couple foreign exchange students and one dude in the hood who I saw wearing brown colored pair YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Shame on you.

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Ed Hardy.
Who would have thought something more tailored to a 400 pound, 40 year old, big nosed, Harley Davidson owning, hells angel member would have made it so big in the uk "urban" music scene. I mean shit ed hardy has taken over every funky house rave and a few grime raves to.
If your not in a t' that has a shiny, sparkling homo looking Jungle Book animal on it, you ain't in the right GARMS !
But fuck it, I'm here to tell you people who seem to have the shit piled up in your wardrobes that it looks awful and shows a perfect example of following fashion.
All those hoodies, t's, jeans, hats, sunglasses all look like merchandise for a alternative homo London zoo refrain from wearing it asap.

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p.s If your girls blackberry, iphone or any other form of communication device is covered in these cheesy ed hardy beads, its standardly time for you to that conversation that ends with,
"Its not you, its me"
Get out of that relationship asap if she can't respect her phone, imagine what she'd do to you. GOD DAMMIT !

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Them mad ninja shirts.
The picture below is a pretty poor example of the shirts I'm referring to. But those that know will distinctively remember what I'm on about.
Those Mad bright Ryu and Ken like karate button up shirts.These things were definitely not official, they were mad CRINGE. I'm still wondering how customs allowed them in the country.
If you owned one you officially deserve a quick box to the back of the head and swift tiiiiiiiiiggggggger upper cut to the chin. These things were hideous and just offensive.

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Metal shiny denim.
Unless you were a closet homo, the artist formally known as prince or on that 24hour coke and horse tranquilizers vibe shit back in the day. You should not have been wearing jeans that look or have any resemblance to picture below. Many did and will probably deny it. But a large amount of fake mosch used to have this finish to it and you know that fake mosch was everywhere for a hot minute. So a large amount of guys had that gay, hood, gangster
robocop look going on (shits was disgusting).

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p.s Props to kesworlds on a few of the these.

Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.


  1. What happened here BNTL? You let the 14yo work experience kid have a go at a post?

  2. Agreed on all counts! Ed Hardy by Christian Audigier (formerly of Von Dutch fame!) is an insult to Ed Hardy the tattoo artist and protege of Sailor Jerry from whom he bought a sketch book for next to nothing! (rant over)

  3. Haha the hyperlinks killed me brother.

    Agreed with Junkii, Ed Hardy has amazingly deep history but damn they are way passed the point of no return.


  5. are you dumb lego has THE best style on this site

  6. LAIRS, wow. LIARS.

  7. I have NEVER seen LEGO DRESSED.. funny, ey?

  8. girls need to allow those denim leggings or jeggings, either you wear leggings or you wear skinny jeans, and I agree with you on all counts!!

  9. What about GCSE english? What happened to that?

  10. you missed the most important 1 UGG BOOTS

  11. ya dun kno ^^^

  12. some of the dodgiest writing i've seen on here in a looong time.

    their/there/they're fails all over the shop.

    and it's 'Skechers'.

  13. Seriously, the writing and spelling is poor and almost embarrassing.

  14. wearing what you want isn't cliche; being an america-rimming bounty bar beggar is.
