Wednesday 17 November 2010

The Take Over

For those that follow hip-hop intensely like myself will already know of the pass weekends epic announcement regarding one of the most talked about "underground" (please note the speech marks) mc's in the past 5 years, Jay Electronica.
for those who don't ha ! wake the f*ck up.
Anyway the news was basically Jay e' announcing that he had penned a deal with Jay z's record label Roc Nation.
Now a lot of people have been in two minds about this deal that was drawn up on whether it was a good or bad one for Jay e. Personally I still haven't made my mind up about the situation. Jay z' hasn't had the best time as a label manager in my opinion.
And as much as people like to dog diddy about his management of rappers on Bad Boy.
How many people from Roca fella are still eating healthy
bread ? I'll tell you NONE
apart from kanye west, who jay didn't even want to bring through in the first place.
And I also feel past music friendships may have taken a suffer as a result for Jay e' signing with jay z' example Blaze and Damon

Regardless the only thing I'm really happy about is at the fact this officially means a album will come out sooner rather than later from jay e, and he will have enough money behind him to push him into a new realm of listeners and viewers.
I would love to know how much Roc Nation shelled out for him.

On another note no later than a day of the announcement 2 tracks were cleverly leaked to the internet.
One is below with jay' e & z and the dream.

Note to jay' e fuck a mixtape and just get that album you've already finished.
o and Holdtight j cole's career, finished before it even started . . . smh

Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.


  1. you don't follow Hip Hop, you listen to 50 cent.

    jog on bruv.

  2. You seriously need to go back to GCSE English classes and get your grammar game up.

  3. im stil unsure abotu roc nation and how they work together

    Jay elect & Jay Cole signed to same label as

    The Ting-Tings?

    ...also J coles career over?
    Have you not heard 'Friday Night Lights' yet?...please say you have.

  4. J.Cole's career over? OK then...?

  5. J.Cole finished? Someone clearly hasnt given 'Friday NIght Lights' a listen yet lmao

  6. ok maybe me saying over is a bit harsh'

    personally i dont think his career is going anywhere at the mo.
    dont get me wrong the guys a talent and i defo respect his material
    his album was supposed to drop, on november the 12th, but instead we got another mixtape :\
    meaning and there afraid

    meaning his still trying to build his fan base up. his been active for more that 3 years now wtf how you still trying to build from the bottom after 3years !

    his supporting drake on tour . . .

    in all truth honesty he has no legit fanbase and without that his career in terms of big the time in which his label expect of him.

    and then you got jay e' coming on roc nation to. his no longer the labels "priority" rapper. all eyes on jay e' from now on.

    but hey its my opinion.

    holdtight the anon.

  7. shaaat uppp waaastemannn

  8. to be fair, drake was building his buzz for a while longer than 3 years
    Also i think choosing to release a free internet mix tape, which on the day of release was the second most common search on google was a good idea.
    alot of big albums coming up before christmas, way to much competition for a newcomer.
