Tuesday 16 November 2010

The World According to Vice

Not really sure what to say about the new Vice book....I stopped picking up the mag sometime last year until last months issue which was great from cover to cover.

I think where Vice go wrong and put a lot of people off is their take on style....its pretty 'fashion' and caters very much for one type of person.

Their worldy knowledge though can't be matched in my opinion. Not only do they bring us stories from around the globe that are usually kept well hidden but they also expose us to these without much bias.

Vice are up on their subcultures, they may not be there first but they are bringing more to the table than anyone else.

Their latest book 'The World According to Vice' might annoy you if you've never read a Vice mag but if you have then you'll see some of the best features from the past few years...









BNTL have got 2 of these books to give away, so for you chance to win a copy simply answer the question below...

Describe Vice in 5 words?

Send answers to info@bntl.co.uk

The best one will be picked on Monday 22nd November.

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