Thursday 8 September 2011


Not too long ago I posted a video I came across of a young talented artist; Mowgli, I have managed to track him down and he’s kindly given up some time to answer a few questions for BNTL.

Shout's to Mowgli for this interesting journey into his world. We speak on philosophical theories to teaching numerology to a dyslexic and everything in between. Be sure to check the links at the bottom of the interview for more on Mowgli and the Deep Medi camp.

1. For those who aren't too familiar, tell us a little about yourself and your background..

Vocalist. Artist. Noise maker. Writer. Boy. Man. Friend. Uncle. Thief. Reformed. Lifter. Glider. Melder. Wishful Thinker. Pest. Magician. Witch Doctor. Spaceman.

Mowgles. Mowgli. London. Interested in making words and writing sounds. Was always. Was other things too. Will be again. Sort of a mixture of things. Was always.

2. The concept for the 'Sky Diver' video, how did this come about?

A night in 1904, hours of translating from Hebrew, sticking manuscript to a wall and drawing shapes on them, cooking rabbit on camping stoves in Kosher houses, studying hawks throw goats off cliffs, stumbling across one of the biggest secrets of all time, teaching numerology to a dyslexic guy, an old people’s home with no old people, and Lynch And Leigh.

3. With the recent ambush of ‘Hipster’ artists, how do you feel about the current state of ‘Hip Hop/Rap’ ?

Not quite as hip as they think they are. Not quite as good as we’re told it is. Music is not clothing. If it’s trendy it’s generally played out. Kind of a rule.

There are some positive things happening though. Most didn’t happen in Dalstön. Kind of a rule.

I don’t know what hip hop is supposed to be. Better that way.

4. Listening through your album ‘93’, it’s fair to say there is an eclectic pallet of sounds in terms of production, how did you go about picking the beats, what works for you, are there any barriers?

Never barriers. I’m not one for limitations. I always try to do something different that I haven’t done before so that is kind of how I would pick beats to use. 93 sounds conventional compared to what’s coming. It was a collection of old and new stuff, glued together in a strange way. Now that’s been done I need to do something else.

5. Your style compliments the comprehensive sounds well with your choice of referencing and flow what inspires your lyrical content?

Every possible thing. From drunken girls wailing in toilets to philosophical theories of all things. There is no difference. You should see how they are written, it generally gives people joke.

6. Are there any UK artist’s/producers that have influenced you or your generally feeling at the moment?

Old Apparatus, 4i2i, Jam Baxter, Ketamine Camera and a whole load of beat maker’s, some lyricists, bands, artists etc. Too many to remember I’m not good with lists. Although I do write lists telling me to shit, shower, eat, breathe etc. All in 30 minute slots. I never complete them. Lists of people though, difficult.

7. The new release with Old Apparatus, can you tell us how this was formed and did you approach the project differently at all compared to your album or personal work?

He contacted me. It was kind of weird, someone had to translate he couldn’t speak great English. We see things in a similar way I think. I’m pleased with what we’ve done, there isn’t really anything like it that I’m aware of. I wrote as I sometimes write, but not always. We are talking further. We like each other.

8. Besides the current releases, are there any other forthcoming projects we can look forward to?

Yes. There is one thing about to come out very soon that people can definitely look forward to, it will be unprecedented and most likely cause a bit of a fuss. Some people will hate me. It will be necessary. I will love them.

There is also an album coming at the beginning of the year with 2 EP’s before it. One free. A lot of exciting stuff to be honest, can’t wait for people to hear it all. Also a journey, documented in sound and moving pictures. I might not come back.

9. What album besides your own is being rinsed at the moment and why?

Just heard Balam Acab’s album, I fell asleep during, but not because of. Like. I heard some of the Dimlite album. Feel. I’m fleeting a lot to be honest no album’s getting serious airtime. More just tracks. I prefer albums. I’m listening though. All ears.

I want to hear Hakim Bey TAZ. I will buy it now. Thanks for making me. I get the feeling it will be bad but I should hear it.

10. Can we look forward to any live shows in the future?

Not taking many live shows at the moment as I’m in the studio a lot.
But you can catch me at Thames Festival 10th September main stage 3pm.

11. Finally to wrap things up, any shouts?

Big up BNTL and the Odessa.

Thanks to Mowgli for the interview, and make sure you go support the new Deep Medi release.



  1. great artist. props!

  2. Amazing sound and a great interview
