"TOX09 will be released next week, a limited signed run of 75 prints that bring a little bit of British Rail into your front room for your mother-in-law to pour scorn upon, you can’t moan about this geezer jumping on the graffiti band wagon he’s been one of the few people driving it over the past ten years while the mincey ’street art’ generation milked it as dry as they could, you won’t catch this one fannying around Shoreditch with a full can of paint and a flashy pair of sneakers thats for sure"
Its been posted on a few blogs already but its for the people that don't know... find out more here
whats wrong
with wearing a flashy pair of sneakers will putting shit up around shoreditch ?
(besides mayb getting paint etc on them)
its made to sound so wrong
Wow anon went all out with that comment. Personally I think TOX has the right idea. We all know he ain't gonna be getting up anymore, hes fucked if he gets caught. He knows how popular he really was because he GOT UP. It might of been the worst tag to hit road but still he GOT UP more then some of little toy bitches who moan that TOX is waste. I do agree his handstyle could of been fucking 100 times better but thats him, its his tag. And how can you say it makes the UK look gay??? I assure you TOX has been one of the worst vadalists in London Underground history and im talking Underground bruv. No Amatuer railside action, this bloke has had his tag in the tunnels for fuck sake. Hes risked more than his life to put his shit tag up but thats the beauty. Its shit, he knows it but people still like him. Thats why I can garantee these screenprints shit or not will sell. I don't think this is a mockery to the scene TOX is and will be known for a long while after this. What graff artist do you know who ain't heard of TOX?
wow anon got schoooooled
i would never diss TOXs handstyles or heavy bombing CV...no-one can...if you see what i said, he is pure vandalism...the true pure essence of graf.
what i was saying is that i am deeply let down by TOX is jumping on the streetart/graf bandwagon by pimping out his tag for some instant cash...the reason? yeah we all got rent to pay, but his angle, his misson - it seemed anyway was just pure destruction...never no interviews, group show...just heavy hitting...and so to see him do a screenprint - well now he will be hung in some yuppies flat next to a framed d*face or eelus piece...and you know how lame that is.
tox is graf not streetart, and i never thought he would sell his art...yes he is now a sellout...why? because he is making money out of his bombing legacy with a boring print...why not do 100 hand sprayed bits of trackside rubbish or something..but not something so cliched as a screenprint.
TOX was rightly a legend...for years on years, every night walking through the hours all over london...doing what he did best...as i said, i know who TOX is i know what great shit he has done...thats why im said he can now be lumped in with pictures on walls or all the bullshit stella dore screenprint BS...i felt and hoped he would be better than jumping on this streetart bandwagon that is long fast coming towards a brick wall....
its kind of like if Big L was alive, he duetted with Celine Dion cos the cheese was good...on the one hand you cant blame him getting the zeros, but on the other...your respect drops a little, and now idiots all over the globe will think they are well street because they own a piece of him...
just a shame...thats all...
PS last anon - cant school whats already known kid...
^ He talks the truth.
Doesn't even look like a screen print to me!
He has just dropped a few tags on some canvases to make some money!
Times are hard, the boys making some easy money,SO WHAT!
I could understand if he was getting called a sell out etc for something like getting his shit put on a pair of trainers in footlocker, but he aint, Its 100 Canvases thats all.
first anom geeza chats some truth......personally tho, i think tox's stuff is a fukkin eye saw! why is it allways the shit ones that get up most? thats the shit that gives graff a bad name in my opinion....if his bombs were more taseful he wudda gone a little more un-noticed, and wudda got all the credit he desereved!
im a writer myself, and rekon that if shits done bad, it dont have a place....theres no skill or flow involved, its just down and out vandalism....just like kids with markers writin "i was ere"....its pointless and no fuker wants to look at it! master the art, then get your shit together and hit the streets!
your blatently from RT
think again bruv.........
Tox 09
irony anyone?????
it's the funniest thing ever. the man has a sense of humour and if you dont see that you need to stop taking graf so seriously. duh.
Oh dear. Daniel (Tox) has sold out. I knew u would.
what a bunch of gays, all anon as well.
£750 x 10 = 7500 cans of paint - SIMPLE
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