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All you have to do is tell us "what does dubstep mean to you?" in under 250 words then mail it to and we'll pick the winner and a runner up.
Don't forget to hit up Chemical Records for all the latest Vinyl releases and a huge selection of Men's and Women's clothing including the brands on offer and so much more!
All entries must submitted by March 31st 2009, Good Luck!
Big will defo have to put something through for this. What have I got to lose?
i don't even like dubstep but i'm sure as shit gonna blag this one..
wot u on about everyone loves dubstep
If its the NB's they've got on the site at the moment... not even worth first prize.
stop moaning you fanny and enter the competition
i heart dubstep <3
my entry was stupidly cheesey
Dub step is that like stepping on dubs i am from austria and here we have a tradition of stepping on bugs is this something similar in your country
who won??
Any news on when we find out winners?
bet u this is a blag to get free gear for BNTL crew from their fave labels
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