'Street Art' magazines/books are everywhere, check the sale section in any high street bookshop and you'll find many. Back in December when my friend sent me a copy of the VNA issue 10 I was ready to dash it straight in the bin. It was the first time checking out what they had to offer. Turned out to be a good read, what i appreciated most was that it was quite current. The internet has pretty much ruled out the chance of any publication being current but some of the images featured are definitely new and exclusive. I also enjoyed the feature on the Berlin Wall with the artist Tierry Noir, the interview talks about what the art and wall represented to the people confined by it. And finally its always good to read about my good friend Nash Money.
Some pictures courtasy of Greg @ VNA...
Available from the VNA website, which you can find HERE.
Nothing wrong with a bit of art faggery... If you want a magazine with page after page of graffiti production pieces then this isnt the mag for you. If you have a bit more of an open mind to street art aswell as graffiti... It might just be an interesting read.
nice hands. nice post Ollie.
Nothing wrong with a bit of art faggery... If you want a magazine with page after page of graffiti production pieces then this isnt the mag for you. If you have a bit more of an open mind to street art aswell as graffiti... It might just be an interesting read.
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