That fucking mag cost me £10 and it doesn't even have any writing! I don't know what I was thinking at the time.
Now I'm in a better frame of mind to talk about last nights actions.. here's how it went down - it was supposd to start at 6:30 but boy, certain crew members were running on Nigerian time, didn't get any music till about 7:40 and that was from Estelle (she was supporting).. Kinda got the crowd going... (note to all other supporting acts never ask the crowd directly whether you can sing them one more tune, Estelle found out that one the hard way.)
After Common came on, it was decent set I especially loved it when he did 'The Light'.. I went into crazy mode at his cover of Nas' 'NY state Of Mind' then changing it mid-way through to London state of mind had me thinking 'what the fuck!? naaaaaah none of that!!!' very good job though.
Then around 9:30 something, the main man Kanye West came out.. everyone was on their feet without fail and stayed on there feet for the rest of the show.. it was crazy...
Now I haven't really had the pleasure of seeing many musicians live, I been to a few sidewinders and seen Romeo at Butlins (don't watch that i was young!)
so yesterday night was a eye opener I don't know whether its just Kanye, but shit the guy put on a show... and he wasn't dressed too badly either, he didn't cry or break down and he devoted some country music type tune to his mother which the backing singers sang..
He finished his set around 11:15ish when it should have been done by 10:30 so he was on stage for nearly 2 hours preforming banger after banger. Which i rate him for cos I heard 50cent took the piss on saturday and arrived late and finished early!!
But over-all very good. If you plan to Kanye live, do it now while he's in his prime.. rather than 15 years down the line when he's old and touring just because he needs money *COUGH Take That, Spice Girls, Prince, the list goes on COUGH*
Hold tight the special effects guy getting his solo!!!
that country song, was motherfucking Journey..
Couldn't help think of this clip, when he was playing it.
Yeh that sounds big, iv seen JayZ live and i can imagine how sick Kanyeezy was!
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