Wednesday 29 April 2009

Question 1, Paper 1, June 09 - WORK IT x VICE x ED BANGER


Yes it's WORK IT. Yes it's VICE. YES YES, I HEARD Y'ALL, Nathan Blahley blahzay blah... but riddle me this...

Q1: If "anon" sought the medical operative to...

a) extract that prejudicial chip from his fanny for long enough to...
b) meet some like-minds
c) man up
+ d) go to a dance that has french house's top DJs alongside purveyors of the old skool WORK IT - providing certified party fodder...


e) spiralling into a self deprecating rant making a right see you next Tuesday out of themselves and all else involved...


a) buy a ticket, get down and brockwild


b) go long and expect me to give a christs fart about what they've concluded about me, formed from how I wrote this post...


You may be astounded to learn that 87% of infants who read the blog choose b) the disaffected little mugs.

For all others, come reach it's a Bank Holiday wkend... as those of us with jobs, who don't live with our moms might welcome the chance to get loose...

Oh and I'm DJing ... that straight 2step 90s fyah

Until then suckle on this for your Weds,

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