If don't already know, 13thWitness created the opening scene to Maestro Knows's videos and has been involved in many other projects in recent years.
I can't praise this guy's style of photography enough.
Here is a selection of some of his more recent work.

13thWitness TWITTER
13thWitness WEBSITE
13thWitness FLICKR
13thWitness BLOG
good. but heavily shopped.
yeh true, perhaps its more that he has got his photoshop game down to a fine art as opposed to actually being a skilled photographer.
def. have him added on flickr, awesome photographer
agreed that it looks shopped, but that's not a crime!
I am on the same boat with GregTeee because 13th still makes great art regardless. everyone has their way of making things look good and a little help from Photoshop is no harm done, as long as they do not claim to do otherwise and lie (that's a real crime).
nah most of the stuff on his website is horrible. it looks mad tacky.
his old man is futura, standard he's going to be next level
tacky? thats a stupid word to use in the same comment as 13th witness' work.
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