"You're so far back im like saying COME OOOOON, clash me COME OOOON ! "
As we can see the weave has slowly moon walked its way passed the beginning of her "real" hair line and has decided to settle itself half way on her scalp. exposing the real hair for what it is.

former weave alerts.
weave alert 1
Weave alert part 3 soon come. Black, White, Puerto Rican, Asian theres no discrimination if you use weave in a offense way I'm coming for you !
Disclaimer - i think weave is cool I've dated a few chicks that might as well have bathed themselves in the shit, God dammit my mother uses weave from time to time. But fucked up weave is just wrong and should be highlighted and stamped out and that's my aim.
Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.
I say long live the weave
ti's better than this.......
OMG. How did you take that picture so close? Didn't she mind?
There should be a weave degree and all hairdressers should have to take it, because bad weave is just that tragic and should be avoided at all times.
i think she may be tryna sport a forehead fade inspired by the back'p'da'head fade ala http://img.vodpod.com/1916601.large.jpg
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