Favourite set for me had to be L-Vis 1990 with top selection but as 1 o'clock came so did Major Lazor. The crowd went nuts and without an inch to move people errupted onto the stage half way through!
Massive sets from Tomb Crew, Jack Beats & Toddla-T followed. The fat boy did it again!

Trav came in a rather odd costume..

Ag making the road trip

Stage rush

Diplo suited and booted

Jayou came with a live set

Bobby clearly enjoying Toddla

For all of em'

big night
this night was ALOT.
Sorry, what does being black entail?
^ theft and bare kissing of the teeth. ^
that women has ruined 'The Hundreds' cheers luv
the hundreds was ruined the day it started
is that big ron next to tronics?
Being a Brummie myself, these lot are an embarrassment in terms of clothing choices. The kids (and yes they really are), seriously need to step out in to the world and realise The Hundreds and Mishka (and anything else the candy store sells) aren't the only brands available that are "cool" in any way, shape or form.
Seriously, what's the idea about putting every brand on, with every colour possibly available.
Don't get me wrong, the night was mad!
Also to mention, The Candy Store is a good store, feel it's been ruined a bit.
hundreds is straigt commercial rubbish
Big up the Turbanator massive. Keeping it real, rolling 5 deep
Up ya Mosque.
- Gone
closet racism
- lowest of all lows.
shame really someone disses witts the comment is gone within seconds
i'm so glad im not from brummie
Thats cos 'SHitts' sits on ear all day everyday waiting to remove comments that are gunning him... man don't wana look stupid in front of the 16year old brummy boys down the youthy he nudges with.
I agree, The Candy Store is a decent shop but it is just becoming fuel for all these teenage morons who can't even get close to pulling the stuff off anyway.
It's all down hill.
how did you manage to make such a good night look shit with your photos?
After this comment i expect the usual onslaught of nothing but hate, but i dont mind cos none of you leave your name!
as far as the brands my store stock, what do you really want me to do? stop selling to these kids?
even in london when im there i see tons and tons of grown wanabees so its not just birmingham. If i was to start telling these kids who are wrecking my shop apparently in my own town im gonna be branded arrogant. half of you net gangsters who buy and love supreme wont ever get served in hideout.
end of the day if its not your thing or whatever then no need to shop in my store, i have enough customers and im not on the net.
we got more brands than just TheHundreds and Mishka but however 'kids' decide to dress is not up to me.
sorry for the rant.
TO Anon @ 21:35 + 01:40 come say it to my face. i'll be outside new street station tomorrow and every day between 4.15-4.30, smoking a fat cigar. You won't miss me, I assure you.
You come and try with me then yeh.
I can understand where Candy Man is coming from, you can't really help it if the teenagers who can't rock it properly want to buy it. I'm not a fan of the brands but I think on the people who can pull it off, it looks cool.
To all you guys hating on Ian and the candy store you can all eat a dick!!! Mishka! Hundreds!! Supreme!!if its hot and looks fresh than you rock it!! you mans are to worried about what crepes next man is rocking and where did he get his supreme t shirt from?? a bunch of street wear snobs!!! street wear is all about creativity and freedom!! I will happily rock an 'Ain'T t shirt one day and than rock a jill sanders shirt the next day!! These kids who are young shopping in the candy store might just be getting into street wear!! you mans act like you were born in Brooklyn growing up with the Eric B/Rakim and came out of the womb rocking Nike Sb's lol. These kids who be copping these labels are the future and they fund street wear!! so what if they dont know about or cant afford a Orginal Fake hoodie for £180!! at least there representing there love for something!!! Ian is representing and getting his money!? what have you done lately!?.
jizzed into my bin
here here vik!
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