I personally have never been a big fan of RnB other than maybe Teedra Moses' stuff.
But in Obenewa's music I hear something different cant put my finger on it, but all i'd say is if it was food I'd compare it to candy floss light and sweet, its a must download.
To download just (click)

To find out more about Obenewa just (click) for her blog.
Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.
I'd let her dump on my face
Oh my gosh she's gorgeous. and Ghanaian! Woop woop
My comment was deleted. Yet a 'Comment was deleted' text has not appeared. That's not on. I only mentioned her naff naff
Lego is a Mack Daddy!
people that say "whoop whoop" should be stamped on. fact
^hahahahaha - jokes^
curly wurly.
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