Monday, 27 October 2008


The UK'S newest member of the worlds best crew. And it happens to be one of my favourite writers. Too ill!


Anonymous said...

roid is a pure badman,and gary got into msk aswell!its good to see u.k gettin recognition from such an amazing crew!

Anonymous said...

its good to see more graff on this blog.

Anonymous said...

This is ILL!!

Anonymous said...

wow you don't get to see much of this around often!

Matthew Schnickens said...


witalit said...

Anon it must be real hard to be disowned at birth, the harsh realities of life.

Elle Bee said...

More fifi!

MARK said...

pure jokes!

@OllieDanger said...

Tan that boy is sick.

I need more of this in my life!

Anonymous said...

has roid ever painted illeagaly in his life!? i thought msk would have chosen someone who has door more stuff on the streets?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Jesus christ anon learn your history, thats one of the craziest comments i ever heard.

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous

if you dont know

then you probably shouldnt know

lets not blow anyones cover with bait ass comments

John McClane said...

with tan there and the anon after without blowing the cover and really should know who this is before you leave silly comments!
lots of love

Anonymous said...

well i aint ever seen an ilegal paintin!!
what did he used to right then?

Anonymous said...

leave the bait questions at for your mates,toy

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i dont think b.t.p or police would be reading this blog to be fair.

group 8 said...
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Anonymous said...

'i dont think b.t.p or police would be reading this blog to be fair.'

Yeah maybe not.
But still,remember, CARELESS TALK COSTS LIVES!