Saturday night in the office. Graveyard shift. 10pm till 8am. Got tanked up off my tits on Haribo. Sugar + scum-chemicals equates to revelatory momentum. I finally discovered the goddamn self-timer on my contraption.
Innocent confectionary for jovial Hitler youth...
Innocent confectionary for jovial Hitler youth...

...or Kiddie Amphetamines?

This one tastes gay. Shaped like a shaft & 1 testis. NO homo.

Doing coke. (BNTL pictorial pun of the year? Don't bet your Supreme fitted on it.)

The Pet Sematary.

The sweets/drugs kick in. A nod to Shnickens. Self-supervision in the workplace ay cuzzo?

Fuck the system.

The 8.10am District Line to anywhere but here.

Sorry, what's that? Was I tryna be funny posting pictures of my grown arse self with sour cola-bottles up his nose? Well cynicism is trendy, thus expected when we're all slaves to fashion. Self-depricating humour is equally as chic- beat you to both fucko (yes you).
Until next time.
you are crowned the BNTL king of captions. big post
thank you squire Witts.
props..sugar coated bogeys?
this is highly informative, so much so that i'd like to work with you =) you can complain but lol at least youre not workin at a soup kitchen!!!!!
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