below are all the the various tee's designed by the groups involved in the relay race on tuesday minus one or two teams.
I think Bounty, Masheen and Work It all look solid.

Quick thanks to whole of team who came out and gave their own time up in the form of running on behalf of bntl Carla, Kizzi, Amankwa, Courtney, Samuel, Brey, Sam, and my co team leader Greg T.

Not forgetting what we were running for, raising awareness of aids in Africa. So please do take some time to check out this website by just a (click)
Which gives further detail on the problems faced everyday by the people
unfortunate to suffer from aids in Africa.
Some times its not about just getting as much money for charity, but really just making others aware of the problems and allowing them to come to their own conclusions and devices, on a way of giving supporting.
Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.
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