Long time bntl followers will remember my 2008 look back which can be seen (here).
and my 2007 look back which can be seen (here)
So once again the years drawing near to an end and it was only right I came back and did it again.
and my 2007 look back which can be seen (here)
So once again the years drawing near to an end and it was only right I came back and did it again.
Personally i feel 09 has been a weird year. Cant put my finger on why exactly maybe it was the fucked up weather ?
maybe it was the economic climate and lack of money/ funds circulating in various job sectors ?
maybe everybody was just on some moody vibe ?
Out of no where Swine flu appeared from Mexico and said "wazzap amigo" !
some mad taco bell, roast pork fried rice bullshit flu symptom spread like wild fire for a good three months. This shit had mother fuckers running like they saw Sherry blair in a multi colored bubble gum like thong.
I wouldn't be surprised if the company Epocrates (who produce tamiflu) or the United states government, released that shit themselves to take all the focus off the disastrous banking problem.
- I mean seriously where the fuck is swine flu now ?
-Wasn't it was supposed to return this winter ?

Another British man became f1 champion for the 2nd year in a row. From being a jobless guy who was about to draw for the microsoft windows cv creator. The legend that is Jenson Button flipped the script with the help of the Brawn gp team. Un-expected to everyone that follows f1 he won championship, last time I saw some one drive in the manor Jenson did was George Michael, who at the time was high, drunk and getting his freak on.

Henry made a mistake and thought this game of football was a all girls year 6 p.e class, playing netball.
In other sports related news, we all found out tigers really like eating white meat. (IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN)

Gun crime was no longer on the front pages every other day
"And today young men where gonna learn how to make wooden dildos, aren't you excited !?"

Hip-hop was on some different vibe, no longer was it about having your nuts gargled by a "bitch" with a fat ass, or busing a cap in some ones head or even about being able to spit a good 16.
But more so about personal addictions to Lemsip, that old girl friend who you made special love to and couldn't get over and being in the pursuit of the perfect smelling shampoo.
FOR FUCK SAKE, SHIT GOT SOFT ! like playdough.

The biggest vegetarian spring roll to come through was DRAKE. Good mother fucking damn it, this guy is far to over hyped. Out of all the main stream cats to come out in the past year he is one of the best lyrically and yeah he can kinda sing but my boy Mos Def has been singing and rapping a whole lot better since 1997, so it ain't nothing new.
And as my friend keswald continuously points out his voice is mad annoying and one couldn't imagine taking him serious in a battle rap. lord save us all if this is the future of main stream rap.

But overall I think it was a healthy year for hip-hop as a whole. So many rappers got back in the game and dropped new albums maybe not living up to the record sales expected but getting back to releasing shit regardless.
Only 1 of the 3 most anticipated albums lived up to expectation imo. Rae dropped one of the best hiphop albums of the past 5 year, Jay z dropped some fake below par blue print 3, that weren't no blue print 3 that was more like the cooking directions to a packet of super noodles, and Rakim came through with some bullshit after 7years of being in the studio with Dre.

Susan Boyle was getting her epileptic self up the charts and fucking with wild horses and all of that bullshit. The 800 year old virgin kinda ushered in a new era in music whereby theirs a emphasis on talent rather than false imagery.
(dont she look like shes doing a shoot for a grime video ?)

Kanye West was my biggest surprise, first off I thought he was a homo, new rave racist back in 08. Then he flips shit gets with a white blond haired girl, with a level 1 hair cut and a perfect fade.
Things seem to be going great for him, he had the air yeezy, a bunch of louis' and was charging $100,000 for him to spit a 16 on anybodies tracks, shit you couldn't even hate on this guy he was the biggest star.
aaaaaaand then he fucked it all up and acted like a goon towards one of Tigerwoods' pieces of meat and it all came crashing down, like his girlfriends hair at the barber.

Chris brown danced on Rhianna's face, literately. Which evoked some 21st century devil / Illuminati, high fashion, very well styled person to come out of her.
Who the industry the industry then started to regarded as a "icon". Random i know.

The Reset was a healthy experiment, pushing the UK street wear scene in the right direction hopefully theirs more to come from the organizers in 2010.
The Reset II from GLB on Vimeo.
For a minute it was the hot shit to proclaim in statuses you were leaving facebook (like say anyone gave a fuck in the first place) then move onto twitter, then only to return to facebook.
Also the 60% of the people who didn't have face book before the beginning of 09 eventually got one by the end of this summer.

Dancing in Jamaica took a whole new form, literally. Back in my day I remember attending Jamo' parties and witnessing people do the bogle or the butterfly, you know them calm dance movements.
Then it flipped up to the dutty whines and signaling planes and now in 09, hhhm well lets just say you could catch a std if your not careful its that filthy and dangerous !

Fixed gear bikes were the new accessory of the year.

Bntl went from strength to strength. The boys got the website done, did mishka and staple fall preview shoots, we hit 1000,000 views, got sponsors and collaborates on our boat all through still writing the same bullshit we were writing almost 3 years ago.

But with all the good stuff there was a significant increase in anonymous hate to.
random faggots who felt that they had a say and would air our waste comments on what content we put on the blog, what we did and where we went this sadly occurred all to often.
If you were part of the sad hate comment crew, who would sit behind their screens and try to BEG a slagging match and insult blog members for reason you should be embarrassed of yourselves. In 2010 re-evaluate your situation in life.

09 was officially the year Britain became broke as a muuuuurthfucka and we slyly still are. All this borrowing is just making shit worse.

Gordon's mates tried to jump him when he was cleaning the sleep from his eyes. On a real cricket bats, shanks and all of that crazy shit. He survived with a few scratches and will still lead the Labour party into next years general elections. For our sakes i hope his successful i couldn't imagine being led by David Cameron.

We found out that most of the mp's were claiming mad amounts of money for the most ridiculous things through there expenses tab.
porn, roofs, second homes, duck houses you think of it them mother fuckers were claiming for it at our expense.

Two of my favorite industries were some of the worst hit during the economic down fall.
Magazines crumbled, with the money usually made from advertising drying up everybody was cutting costs like no mans business, like wise in the fashion industry so many labels went out of business it was a shame.

Holdtight Sharmadean and her Wah crew. 2009 was officially a Wah London take over. And there really isn't anything more really to say, except big up your chest girl and maybe the world take over for 2010 ?

extended bntl family member Kevin was making strides with his on line show street talk.
Where is Barry? (NY Promo) from Street Talk on Vimeo.
In 2009 every girl had her own fashion blog it was just ridiculous. I blame all them rnb pop singer's stylists kitting stars out in shit from the run way. On these whack blogs they told the world how to dress and what clothes they liked, and how they had know clue on how to get there hands on the garments.
They then would poorly cut up individual images and put them together 7/10 creating a horrid collage.

It was officially the end of the vibrant looking sneaker that matched your packet of Monster Munch crisp. People were now going for the slick silhouette with the subdued more toned down colours. Wouldn't be surprised if shit flipped again in 2 years time and people go back to the crayola look.

Dressing broke was the OFFICIAL look in East London. I have know idea at what point exactly this took place in 09, but shit the majority just said fuck it. "Im going out looking like i just slept the night outside my local chicken and chip shop"
When in all truth we all fully well knew your family were caking, like members of a Russian oil group. You cant deceive us keep it real.

This man is still running London, how he hasn't been shoot between the eyes already I don't know.

Nick Griffen and his mates gained a little momentum

Some Italian man went southeast London 2.0 Goon. In the later part of 2009 and licked Silvio Berlusconi in his jaw side with a little statue.

There was a new type of "scene" cat. No longer was it that normal mid twenties person trying to befriend you so they could be rolling to the "coolest" events.
It was now a bunch of young fresh eyed kids, just out of college 18 or 19.
These young freshmen were to funny intent on being everywhere, making sure they knew everyone in the room and hell bent on letting everyone in the room know they were there. hand shakes, questions and neeky stalking galore was all the rage. Kids relax and sit back life ain't running away from you.

At some point during the year there was definitely a divide in what type of people attended "scene" orientated club nights in comparison with 2008. It was so plane to see, people who were on experiencing a good time with great music were staying in more often than not and leaving the hype to the rest of the people that just wanted to be seen about.

Random east london wear house raves popped up to often. These things aren't meant to be on a every week allow it now !

In 2009 I saw a new confidence in the chunky girls, they were officially the new fashionestaaas. They were on some just not caring shit,
"if them skinny bitches gonna dress that way im gonna dress that way to !
if them skinny guuuuurlllls gonna were tights exposing all that ass, Ima show them i got more aaaaassss for days !"
and I totally respect them for it big up your chest ladies. holdtight the wench 6'9 chicks that were on them high platform shoes to.

In 2009 we found out, only a Nigerian would try to blow up a plane with explosives attached to his briefs. That terrorist dude is giving my people a bad name.

2010 looks good before it has even started though, lil wayne is going pen !

Excuse all the spelling and punctuation errors in advance, it just wouldn't be a misterlego post without them.
happy new year everybody and I pray we all see one another on the other side.
Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.
Nice post, but im still gonna rock some colourful kicks bro. I do need some nice boots for this mad rain tho. Suggestions?
Kanye's girlfriend isn't white.
Fixed gear bikes were sooooo 2008.
lego i love your posts they witty and informative at the same time keep it up
actually your posts are just as good as witts' pictures sorry nothing personal i just think your a dickhead
Lego shame you didnt do anything this year aye
nice. you see piers morgan last night on itv?
that was some funny shit man, good reading material
Allow your life, obama was elected in 08 not 09
Nice post!
Definitely on point throughout.
on point as per usual! happy new year bntl
This blog makes me depressed.
bntl wont be doing a 2010 look back it will be witts on his own doing his shitty brum club nights you heard it here first
big up benson
witts likes a finger up his bum.
Never mind spelling. Anyone that uses the term "LOL" should have their throat stamped on. If you wana chat like that then I suggest facebook or myspace.
too true about the waste 18 year olds jumping on any old scene.
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