england beating australia . . . (we better win it now . . . we have no excuse not to)
amir khan . . . fucking up scott lawton in 4 rounds . . .
france beating one of newzelands (one of the greatest rugby teams ever newzeland not france and favorites to wint he wrld cup)
lewis hamilton spinning out onto the gravel in shanghai . . . making the championship wide open
man united winning by more than 1 goal . . . thnk God
lunch . . . went fr lunch twice . . . and they were both as shit as each other . . .
cant even begin to discribe how this was just like eating . . . something a dog vomits up . . . it was awwwwful and they didnt even have sweet and sour pork . . .
they only had sweet and sour vegeterian pork . . . WHAT THE FUCK I KNO . . . the chicken tasted like skips . . . and disapaired within seconds in my mouth . . .
flipping wast

2nd lunch was shit this organic . . . hotdog . . . what the fuck . . . i like my pork highly saturated . . . fat and salt and with all them nuts additives . . . and didnt get that in this . . . urrghhh fuck that organic malahki . . . shit

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