First off i arrive on Monday at 2pm after being told that pigeons were on sale for £50 i dont know why i fell for it but i did . . . Arriving at nike town i see the que outside . . .

Actually fuck telling the whole story let me cut it into short parts . . . was out there for a very long time . . . paid a homeless guy £20 and a big mac meal to hold my space while i went home for most of the night . . . but ended up not even paying him and some how i just managed shift back into position at 7am . . .
All those from 1 to about 20 got thier kicks on time . . . at 8.30
i was in line at number 78 . . . a burst water pipe placed the whole release on hold for like 3 hours
they had to evacuate and move all the kicks, and the whole release thing, to slam city they gave people lifts and shit in a 25 seater van for free and a bacon buttie . . .

BUUUUUT did u think i was gonna rely on nike again . . . and wait for that van, i have common sense, those who waited for the van which was like 90% of the people were fucked over as the van took yonks so about 11 of us smart people who were quite high on the list walked it down to slammin city and managed to jump the que . . . before the other people on the coaches who where relativly low on the list arrived LMAO ! ! ! i dont care us walkers gained legend status the second we did that . . .

The faces of some of the people who where like in the early 20s and 30s who had camped outside for days . . . and taken the coach was pricless.
So in reality i jumped from 78 to 8 LMAO ! ! ! Ahead of the guys who made it down from France, the people who had camped outside for the night and generally those that slept on the street ! ! !
i actually feel great lmao now i have the kicks and used my head instead of relying on that coach to take us down there . . .
All i can say is i told certain people lets walk down TO SLAM CITY and they never listened they'd rather chat shit behind my back well now look whose
laughing i got my size did u ? ? ?

HOLDTIGHT THE PREACHER . . . i swear every man that was in front of me who mocked this guy when he was preaching ended a good 20mins to 40mins behind me in the end, lesson to all - don't mock Gods people . . . hahahahaha or he will mess ur shit up.

HOLDTIGHT mister number one he had been there since friday . . . if only he was smart like me he could have gone home and eaten slept and come back and still got a pair buuut no.

HOLDTIGHT the dudes infront of me having heart attacks and shit.

Don't actually know if these guys got a pair in there size or what? felt bad for them . . . for a second, then i looked at my kicks and forgot about them.

A happy camper . . . who stayed through the night.

Sitting on the floor the day before.
BLESS THE female in front of me who wanted to play it safe and stay put in front of nike town for the bus . . . HA you idiot i told you it was all about eating the dog baby ! ! !

HOLDTIGHT the woman who bought a pair for her brothers chrsitmas present, pretty early still.
HOLD TIGHT TRONICS NUMBER 17 . . . who was with the 1st 20 who actualy got thier kicks on time in nike town at 8.30 am (he'll probably come with his own review of the day)

LMAO at your post, quality mate.
Never brush God or you will get shafted, it's not long.
LMAO @ the French guys getting bumped differently
LMAO @ people actually waiting for the Van. If i was still there i would have gone to Slam and bought a 2nd pair lol.
I see that preacher guy quite alot.. I think he remembers my face, or he pretends to........
It's jokes that both you and Tronics boyed alot of those hypebeasts off nicely. It's a truly proud day.
Yeh, act cool and be proud of what you and Augustino did.
Some guy was so close to calling down some boys, but I talked him out of it.
Next time you pull some shit like this, I'm gonna move to you myself. Don't think I don't remember both your faces either. You were wearing some trench coat. That's gonna get stained if I see you.
LOL @ the e-thug!
You don't know anything.
If you bothered to read my post on my blog then you'd know there's no reason for you to be pissed, beside sour grapes.
But still..
LMAO @ your threats!!!!
Hahaha! When Hypebeasts attack, there's a documentary in there somewhere.
You are a very brave guy. the only thing that i agree with you on is those fucking french pricks. other than that, some guy and his entourage tried to push into the queue and luckily enough he knew someone who knew me and managed to leave the queue without me breaking him.
laugh now brave boy, i know who you are and what you look like. here's a hint, i'm always in central. should be careful who you get chummy with.. i knew the majority of the queue... seeing as you like to quote god, i think you need to read the seven deadly sins over again...
I got my size, lol if you waited for the van to slam city
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, you're all funny! I waited for the bus. I ate as many bacon rolls as i could. i helped myself to the evian and coke they were handing out. I strolled onto the second to last bus. I got the size that I wanted. I came back later. I got hold of a washed out box. The shoes were fine. I took the sticker off the box and put it onto another SB box. Perfect.
So laugh all you want at the people who waited for the bus, I waited, and I have to damn pairs. BOTH in my size. how many have you got?
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