With one of the most important dates in the UK hardcore calendar Ninja Fest happening this weekend, last night saw the Pre Show take place at The Camden Underworld with the bands that didn't make the main bill. However this had no bearing on the quality of the music that was to be heard.
Arriving bright eyed and bushy tailed at 5.00pm, we decided to scoop the tickets well in advance. However we received pure air from the 'chip on shoulder' bartender in The Worlds End pub when we asked for 2 pints of Carling Extra Cold with our tickets but were refused as neither Jordan nor I could produce an ID. Nevertheless we stuck it out in the cold streets of Camden for another hour and a half until the doors opened.
The rest speaks for itself; solidity from all the bands, the pit and the general atmosphere about the place.
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is this rock music ? ? ?
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