Sunset in E&C



Work load.

Ghetto Pop Life II is amazing.

Water damage from the Great Flood of Eddington Tower @ Essex Uni, it's never played the same since, and I love it because of that.

TROY & The Creator - greatest of all time.

Revolutionary x Marvel.

Few of the 45s.


The Third Unheard!

Had to stop briefly for food, thanks Mum, you did your bit.

I scratched the surface, hold tight for part 2!!!!
More updates soon!!
Oh so you can take colour pictures, hahaha.
Photography levels are rising son!
Big up mumsie with the white buns still she's large!
2 burgers = licked. R U DUMB!!!!
Whats good Mattfew,
Ill stuff on the vinyl post right here.
Is that a Stanton STR8-60 I see there?
I have two sitting in my closet collecting dust amongst all of my vinyls, I think that I'm going to have to break them out and play some records and take some pics to answer this post you just made here, haha ill shit man.
It's an STR8-30, but close enough!
Definitely break that shit out immediately!! Would be good to check what vinyls you've managed to acquire.
vinly vulture.
I have also this type experiences
by traveling on train
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