Saturday 3 May 2008

"Let Me See The Gun Finger"

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My girlfriend has a new daddy, in the form on Boris Johnson
not even gonna lie i'am in no position to complain about this guy being elected, as i didn't go out and make my vote count
(and neither do YOU if you didn't go out and vote) so don't moan

I think boris he falls into number 11. on my summer list 2008/05/my-womans-almost-back-looking-be autiful.html

I slyly new the outcome to the election, from when ken was rolling up to various gay bars in ldn last week trying to grab votes.

but is Boris being elected such a tragedy ?
at the moment the answer is probably Yes, on many peoples lips and to a certain extent on mine to as i never saw no passion to actually do the mayors job
from the guy whether i saw him talking in debates he never flowed numbers, statistics, planned policies and ideas good enough for my liking in debates with the other candidates.

i personally only saw the guys passion to win the mayors position, which is good for him but not really for me.
but hey whats done is done, im gonna wait and see if the London travel fairs rise or stay the same and other policies which he brings to the plate. before condemning the guy properly

(tell me he don't look like a supply teacher you once had in secondary school ? maybe it just me)
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but we now have a real reason to shit in the toilets with bottles of vodka in our hands people, the man in the back is getting closer and closer.
i just hope we clean our bums, pull up our pants, flush the toilet and wash our hands before its to late and his making the laws for the country.

love bntl like a fat kid loves cake

1 comment:

Kevin Lanre said...

Damnit! I blame Anthony Blair the war pup to Bush's war dog for blindly and stupidly taking us into Iraq thus draining the economy funding a war that is not likely to be over for the foreseeable future and putting a strain on the economy whereby Brown had to increase tax by 10 and having the natives hit back by electing the croonie of the leader of a party who has confessed his family have never turned right while boarding a plane in their life!

Phew...That was a lot, not the good a lot. But yeah, what do i know.

Boris is probably a genius, after all the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was making the world think he never existed and a wise man can play a fool but a fool can never play a wise man.

But then i look to Bush and i may be forced to think a Boris is probably just an upper crust buffoon.

Lets just wait and see...