Wednesday 17 September 2008

Know your history

In light of Mr. Wongs recent terrible performance on Westwood, i feel obliged to post one of his older grime tracks - Orchestra Boroughs.

Personally i rarely tune into grime anymore, I don't enjoy nicely sung hooks or new, cleanly produced grime beats. I liked grime becuase it was actually grimey, the videos were gutter and the beats were tinny and bassy. For me Titch needs to come out of bing, new grime acts need to take gutter bar lessons from Biggie Pitbull and Video budgets need to be cut drastically. Eventually, it boils down to the fact that the music sounds drastically less angry nowadays, causing, 'used to be punters', to switch from rinse to UK hood rap (SN1, Young spray, Joe black etc etc) as grime fails to excite.

Then again how was grime ever going to put pinkies in pockets with shotgun talk and tough riddims?


Lin Liu said...

Nah, Crazy can stay inside for what he did.

Joseph 'JP' Patterson said...

I agree grime needs to get back its rawness but at the same time its gotta do what it has to do to make money init, and if talking about rolex' and champers is gonna get the pz in then boi.

If you look deep enough there are some gully bits still going on in the scene but it remains on the other 12 tracks on acts mixtapes.

Anonymous said...

CHINESE BOY!!!!!!!!! TYPICAL CHINESE BOY, IT'S THE LYRICAL CHINESE BWOY!!! I bet this will stay in your car for a year, actually didn't make it into anyone's car at all.
aww old skool JME

Anonymous said...



Mac and Lego said...
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Anonymous said...

yeh wongs freestyle was a while back, knew he was s weak mc from day!

Anonymous said...

if you guys really knew anything about grime, you would know that wong has always been a gimmick m.c and has no real talent

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

what the above said

Elle Bee said...

I never made a statement that wong was some sort of serious mc?!
Guess my grime knowledge all day long but im also guessing you havent got the 2003/04 nasty/roll deep, rinse christmas sets on tape.

Anonymous said...

i have got that set and i also have 3 ipods deep of old skool grime

Anonymous said...

have you got heartless vs pay as you go ?

Anonymous said...

3 whole ipods full of old skool grime? Why not just put them all on one huge ipod?

Elle Bee said...

You win mate. 3 ipods full of oldschool grime is dedication.

Anonymous said...

wtf it's called progression, if you were in the 'gutter' yourself you'd propbably wanna get out yourself.