I ain't been about for a week so I got some making up to do posting wise so don't complain on the length.
But quickly first, what the fuck is wrong with this country I come home turn the tv on and change the channel to MTV and Sky Digital are telling me its gonna cost me £1 extra if I want it from now on. Like wise with MTV Base, and trouble this is ludicrous and offensive now iv got that off my chest back to main subject.
On arrival to where I was to reside for the week I was astonished, shocked, bamboozled amazed I could believe it where I was had I taken a 7 hour plane flight to PECKHAM ?
Projects . . aaaaah yeah

It certainly wasn’t easy on the eye (best way of putting it without being rude) this wasn’t the same environment I had stayed in last time I came around.
At any point I expected a crack head to pop her head around the corner and offer to suck my dick for a cheese burger.

Being inside the building was no better, literary im sure it would be a lot safer to leave your 16 year old daughter alone with R. Kelly and a video camera, than to be in this building.

I cant even come to think who put this up, cause I'm sure no white people lived in the building.

I knew the buildings inhabitants were bound to be a little different, especially when a young random girl who had to be around 4years old pointed at me and called me her daddy ! ? ! ?
The graffiti showed a lack of education on so many levels!
Education system in England 1 Educational system In America 0

Education system in England 2 Educational system in America 0

My room had a light switch but no light bulb

(Serious not even a wire coming out of the ceiling)

But all the above didn't mean a thing as my good friend Lena Lolipop just lived around the corner and gracefully came to the rescue after my S.O.S calls and emails. She took me under her wing showing me here, there and everywhere on my first day.(Thank you Momi)



Dinner (thats one fucking whole burger straight heart attack food)

Got moved to niiiiicely, how could I buy dkny apple and not notice the DKNY wasn’t on the fucking box. AAAAH what ever my mother wont notice either she’s Nigerian.

Wednesday’s breakfast, how the fuck did my Aunty manage to order Chinese at 10am, these kind of movements are unheard of hold tight the my oriental people who traded in the life of door to door pirate dvd sales for the 24 hour slave trade shifts.

Flight club > > > > > > > > > > > > > Every other sneaker shop I've been to

Until 6 hours before I boarded my flight and realised they gave me two left shoes in the box, FUCKING CUNTS ! ! !

Crack head/Homeless/Mad I just don’t know what to call who ever did this huge lump of shit. All I can say is that it was out of this world, you can't even say that the shit came from a animal cause look at how high it starts on the wall and slides down (yeah I've thought about it to much) and it was so much as well can't beleive some one was carry that shit in there body.

Crack heads/bums just don’t care in NYC, check my dude here doing his best impression of sergeant slaughter (hold tight my o.g WWF crew)

He then tried to intimidate this youngster playing on ride out side the grocery.

Everybodies on a hustle in NYC it's next levels I thought secondary school was bad when (mainly a southeast thing) we used to buy those pack of 8 £2 jam donuts and sell them for like 50p each.

But naaah you got grown arsed men shaking there toshes and titties for a dollar. Ridiculous because you know at least 6 of these guys has to pay child support towards more than 1 child, has a membership to a gym and likes to go to gay bars.

The homeless do it big in nyc, television coming out of the wall.

Pets living in luxurious burberry baskets shit, they living a better life than me.

The rats in nyc are every fucking where!

Seriously everywhere (bag is real by the way just click)

If you're into the same sex relationship thing then NY is for you! There's an awful lot of gays and lesbo's out there for you. I personally don't get down like that . . .

So I got married to my woman Jessica in Marc Jacobs. Don't watch the fact the rings on the wrong finger it got moved in the end.

On more than one day brought the london weather with me.

So many more pics and stories but, the posts long enough already.
Holdtight to all my friends and everybody that showed me more than enough love . . . Katherine, Lena, Jahira, Sonsira, Jessica, Georgiiiiaaa aka (the best english kept secret in america), Tony and the insane fresh off the boat nigerian crew i was staying with, them guys weren't having a baaar EBA' and soup for breakfast i never seen such bushness in my life . . .
I'll finish it off with a staple NYC picture, BROOKLYN bridge and the Mrs' Jessica.

Loving bntl like a fat kid loves.
eba or gari?
legs i didnt know u went NY! nuts...
love the post
no light bulb but a light switch to funny
WOW that was EMOTIONAL!!
wat a shame i thought you would hav had a gd time as well
But this post was tooo funny made me laugh frm beginning to the end.
Lego. Define "nutter" because until I get to the stage where I start smearing my shit against train station walls I will resent that statement.
See, this is why I stayed in Manhattan and only went to BK because I had some business to handle. Otherwise, BK has nothing!
You should have hit up Goliath in Harlem, that's a nice spot. Harlem world is actually really nice.
Maaaaaan, I cannot wait to get back to NY in May.
Haha, this post made me laugh. Makes me kinda happy that I'm in London at the moment.
LOL @ Eba and stew for breakfast, deep.
and misterlego, how comes you never show your face? One day I wanna bump into you in peckham or something.. would be jokes! i love this blog man.
this post >>>>> any other post
your posts are the best...seriously.
YOur scaring me for my trip next week. You need to fix your diet up also Lego, 3 Mcd's a year is ok...ina day??????
so Huge.. i had to take a break and come back to it..
LMAOO big big big post, u trully summed up NY, I always told people theres far too much hype surrounding it.
LDN shits all over NY
L M A O! Your funniest post to date. Is it wrong that I stll wanna visit NY?
DID YOU...?!
That was such an amazing recap. I'm so sorry I couldn't be apart of that! I promise you we'll fucking plan shit better, I will take a week off, you'll stay at my house (I have lights!), and we'll have a blast. Seems like your time was definitely memorable, I'm happy for you brother.
Hardy, har, har - twas a great read! Ur a classic Leggie! Dont put up that pic of my on my own, my face looks bloated!
where the hell do u go? BK is my home from home. You must of been on the murky side of town. Damn that looks awful
OMG LEGO! you have me in stitches! wow NYC has defo been hit by the credit crunch-although i always remember it being totally gross! cant wait to hear the rest when i get back.x
You idiot, that isn't a Swastika, if it's rotated at 90 degrees and facing the opposite way it represents love and mercy. England education 0, American education 1. Jesus christ.
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