All i can say is straight 5 star heart attack cuisine, never has kebab or mac and cheese tasted any better, its so good i think this should be rolled out in to primary and secondary school for lunches.
I say forget healthy school dinners and all these healthy MandS microwave meals and get this stuff into primary school lunches, the offices of works and every bodies dinner tables.

Now don't get at me i haven't actually got a picture of a kebab from the shop, as Kesi ate that thing so fast Vanessa Felts would have been put to shame.

Food on offer was just mesmerizing. Don't be moved by the dinner lady layout of the food i think it just adds to the stores ambiance.
(i know it don't make sense but im writing the post so WHATEVER)

Mine and Kesi's choice of food for that particular meeting was the delicious
macaroni cheese with curry chicken who needs to healthy NOT ME.

that dam good i licked the foil pack and the sauce bit that fell on my shoe.

Once your meals done you could do a spot of shopping, in the very stylish clothing section all kinda colors and fits to match that special pair of shoes you have.

Its so good dudes travel from the jungles deep deep in Africa, just to get a little bit of meat and coca cola. (no homo)

We were treated like royalty peep the personal fan in the back.

Arabic television ! woaah, i don't think it get any better do you ?

I repeat 5stars, i apologies in advance to my whoever becomes my next woman because i know i'll end up taking you there for romantic meals.
Holdtight all the September / Virgo kids we are officially the best.
Loving bntl like a fat kid loves cake.
Hey where on Portobello is tht place im there all the time an i dnt recall it!
YES YES Lego I was a regular at this Lebanese when I reside west! I think you could have got a bit more in that container though.
p.s. Im a virgo child wooooooP
YES Lego, virgo children for the win.
Virgo kids rule the school!
Let's put on Stevie Wonder now shall we!
oh and that kebab looks nast-eh :(
watch...this place is gana now be every1's personal favourite.....jus cus they wana b "cool"
anon..learn how to spell...then you too can be cool.
Haha nice hey Mr lego ive seen a pic of you on downtownlowranking
bafic bruv your nuts ! ! !
you cant write that there ! ! !
and hold tight all my virgo kids ! ! !
lego will you marry me... i think i love you lol
Yes Yes Lawrence i have not forgotten bout our LUNCH so you knw the deal.
Sorry Sir
how should i give you the link?
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