todays hold tights are short and sweet

Hold tight the dude in fake Moschino jeans and fake tn's, his taking it waaaay back moschino dont even do that whack shit no more.
Hold tight the northern females out there your hilaaaaaaaaaaaarious.
Hold tight chukka and all the contents of her hand bag .
that fine is SERIOUS
did you lie about your identity too?
i would really like to laugh but it's not really that funny, that's a lotta dough :(
not even woman . . i didnt lie abt my identity, even so twice lmao i wouldnt be that stupid.
its a joke
and they try add £2.40 as well thats just adding injury to insult.
Some ones really on the 3peice and chips with a drink . . . back in the transport for london head quarters
u sooo did lie about ur identity.. u fruadulant fuack! lmao.. joesphine.. u can laugh its funny! fare evaders suck.. last week this 1 TRAMP pushed up behind me so hard i thought he was tryin to rob me only 2 realise he was tryin 2 get thru the barrier!
I promptly cussed him out so all could hear of his trampish ways!
haha...no sympathy! he's gonna have to go back to 'the night job' to pay that shit off now. and he promised himself he would never have to do it again :(
Bruv how could you let that happen?
You of all people should know that a fake address and name is mandatory. You can't go wrong. I've been caught on the train/bus bare times but haven't paid one fine, seeing as hypothetically speaking it wasn't really me ;)
But minor though, lol.
You lot aint ready for the old skool jungle days when people used to bus multi patterned versach and iceberg and moshc
i may have to bring it back, itl work on me coz no one will say nothing lol.
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